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Analyzer Scripts

Analyzer Scripts are used by the Execution Analyzer. You do not need to worry about creating these. They are not the same type of script as JavaScript or PHP, but are managed using a familiar user interface - a tree view - and you can quickly locate the feature to change. Analyzer Scripts can be shared by users of a community model and are easily imported and exported as XML files.

The image shows an Analyzer Script in Enterprise Architect that builds and deploys a servlet on an Apache Tomcat service

A single project can have multiple configurations and these can be found grouped together in the Analyzer window.

The image shows the Execution Analyzer control where a model's Analyzer Scripts are managed

Each Analyzer Script is defined for a Package, so projects can co-exist quite happily. In many organizations, the procedures to manage systems are distributed, and vary from individual to individual and group to group. Analyzer Scripts in an Enterprise Architect model can provide some peace of mind to these organizations, by trusting a single, shared and accountable procedure for building and deploying any variety of configurations. All aspects of a script are optional. You can, for instance, debug without one. They can however, in a few lines, enable these powerful features:

  • Building
  • Testing
  • Debugging
  • Recording
  • Execution
  • Deployment
  • Simulation

Remote Script Execution

Various Analyzer Script sections such as Build and Run, provide a 'Remote Host' field. This field is used to describe the computer on which the script should run. In order to use this feature, the Sparx Satellite service must be running on the machine. The format of this field is hostname:port, where hostname is the IP address or network name of a Windows or Linux machine and port is the port number that the Satellite service is listening on. The primary goal of this feature is to allow a user of Enterprise Architect running on Linux to execute commands native to Linux.

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