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Timing Diagram

A Timing diagram defines the behavior of different objects within a time-scale. It provides a visual representation of objects changing state and interacting over time. You can use it to:

  • Define hardware-driven or embedded software components; for example, those used in a fuel injection system or a microwave controller
  • Specify time-driven business processes

You generate Timing diagram elements and connectors from the 'Timing' pages of the Diagram Toolbox.

Example Diagram

A UML Timing Diagram example in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Timing Diagram Element Toolbox Icons



See also

State Lifeline element

A State Lifeline element represents the state of an object across a measure of time, using changes in y-axis to represent discrete transitions between states.

State Lifeline
Value Lifeline element

A Value Lifeline element represents the state of an object across a measure of time, using parallel lines indicating a steady state, along the x-axis.

Value Lifeline
Message Label element

A Message Label is an alternative way of denoting Messages between Lifelines, which is useful for 'uncluttering' Timing diagrams strewn with messages.

Message Label
Message Endpoint element

A Message Endpoint element defines the termination of a State or Value Lifeline in a Timing diagram.

Message Endpoint
Diagram Gate element

A Diagram Gate is a simple graphical way to indicate the point at which messages can be transmitted into and out of interaction fragments.

Diagram Gate

Timing Diagram Connector Toolbox Icon



See also

Message connector

Messages indicate a flow of information or transition of control between elements.


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