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Project Tasks

The  Project Tasks view provides a convenient 'To Do' list of major project work items that are not recorded elsewhere. It can be used to track events such as requests or corrections.



Construct > Project Management > Issues-Tasks > Project Tasks


  • Right-click on the list to view the context menu, and select to add, modify or delete tasks, or to set a status filter
  • You can re-organize the display of the listed tasks using the List Header facilities for reported information
  • To print out the currently displayed items, select the 'Print List' context menu option
  • You can transport task definitions between models using the 'Configure > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' options
  • You can add or work on an item in the Project Tasks view by right-clicking (context menu) or double-clicking on the blank or completed item line
  • The Project Tasks view context menu has options for filtering tasks and issues by status; you can also rearrange the sort-order by clicking in the title bar of the column that the items are to be indexed on

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