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Project Calendar

The Project Calendar provides a project management overview in calendar format of the deployment of resources, timeframes for tasks, and upcoming project events such as meetings and milestones. The calendar displays in the Diagram View workspace, consisting of a:

  • Calendar panel, displaying months of the year
  • Diary panel sectioned into days or weeks
  • Toolbar at the top of the window, which enables you to define what information is displayed and how it is formatted



Start > Collaborate > Calendar


Screen area


See also

Calendar Panel

The Calendar panel, when viewed normally on the screen with other windows and panels, displays a calendar of three months that by default includes the current month.

By closing or reducing other windows and panels on the screen, and depending on the size of your screen, you can show the months for a longer period, to a maximum of 3 years and six months.

You can review data going back over a long period, and plan ahead well into the future; these periods can theoretically span ten years or more, if required. To display future or past months, either:

  • Click on the arrows in the names of the months on the left and right of the top row of months, or
  • Click and hold the mouse on the name of a month so that a list of months and years displays, then move the mouse forwards to scroll up the list or backwards to scroll down the list; when you reach the required month, ensure that it is highlighted and release the mouse button

On the calendar, today's date has a red border; if you have scrolled the calendar so that today's date is not shown, click on the second icon in the toolbar (Today icon) to position the current month in the top left of the calendar with today's date highlighted.

Diary Panel

The 'Diary' panel displays a set of day fields, each of which can contain one or more markers for an event or task.

The content of the display is determined by the selections you make in the toolbar, and principally by the object type you select from the first drop-down field:

  • Project Calendar
  • Allocated Resources
  • Project Tasks

The structure of the display depends on the period you want to review, specified using the icons on the toolbar:

  • 1 day (Project Calendar only)
  • 5 days (Mon - Fri) (Project Calendar only)
  • 7 days (Mon - Sun)
  • 31 days

However, in the 'Calendar' panel you can highlight specific periods of between 1 and 7 days (Project Calendar only) and 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days, to display just those periods in the 'Diary' panel.

If you select a period of between 1 and 7 days, each day is divided into one hour time intervals; you can adjust the time intervals for these periods, using the toolbar.

For the current day, the current time is also highlighted.

Also, if you click on today's date in the 'Calendar' panel the 'Diary panel' changes to show the shortest period (7 days or 1 day) for the object type, again with adjustable time intervals for the times of day.

For displays of 7 or more days, you can scroll up or down to display the information for earlier or later dates; if you scroll away from today's date, you can return to it by right-clicking anywhere on the display and selecting the 'Show Today' option.

Calendar Allocated Resources Project Tasks


The toolbar options modify what is displayed on the 'Diary' panel, and help you to add certain kinds of information.

The icons and fields in the toolbar, from left to right, have these functions:

  • Add New <object> - enables you to create a new record for an event or task
  • Show Today - re-focuses the 'Diary' panel and 'Calendar' panel on today's date, for any object type
  • 1, 5, 7, 31 - sets the number of days displayed in the 'Diary' panel
  • First drop-down - identifies the type of information to display: Calendar events, allocated Resources, or Tasks
  • Second drop-down - identifies the type or characteristic of object to filter for (and depends on the value selected in the first field)
  • Third drop-down - identifies the subtype of event, such as Planning Meeting or People off sick or, for Allocated Resources, the element type to filter for
  • Options:
         -  Configure Event Subtypes - displays the 'Configure Subtype' dialog,
            which you use to define categories of event to record on the Calendar
         -  Time Scale - where the display includes times of day; enables you to
            reset the time interval to numbers of minutes
         -  Show End Time - for the Project Calendar, where the times of day
            are NOT shown and an event occurs within one day, this shows or
            hides the time at which the event finishes (the start time displays
         -  Show Time As Clocks - toggle between showing start and end times
             in digital format and as a clock face
         -  Compress Weekend Days - in 31-day format, toggle between showing
            Saturday and Sunday as separate fields and a pair of half-fields
         -  Show ToolTips - toggle between showing and hiding mouse
            roll-over tool-tips
Configure Event Subtypes


  • The Project Calendar is available in the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect
  • In the Lite Edition of Enterprise Architect, you can view Calendar entries but not change them