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Model-Specific Options

The 'Manage Project Options' dialog provides facilities for configuring various actions of Enterprise Architect for the current model or project, affecting all users of that model. When you open the dialog it defaults to the 'General' page, which helps you to set the system behavior options such as the required release of Enterprise Architect, diagram text appearance, Sequence message spacing and SysML Control Flows format.

The dialog also has pages for identifying MDG Technologies, the Cloud configuration, Reusable Asset Service Registry configuration for Baselines, setting the  element status that locks elements against review comments, and Code Engineering options and code language options that are specific to the model.



Configure > Model > Options

Control system behavior



See also

File Directory

Type in the default directory name for the shared files you define on the 'Files' tab of an element's 'Properties' dialog (maximum 50 characters).

Associated Files

Minimum Version

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the minimum release of Enterprise Architect required to open this model.

Minimum Build

Type in the number of the earliest build required to open this model. Alternatively, click on the Select Current button to select the build of the system that the model is currently open in.

External Reference Data - Model Connection

This field helps the Database Administrator to link the current model to a common model for communicating information amongst project members who are working in different projects. In the field, you enter the connection string for the model that is providing the central Collaboration facilities (Model Mail, Calendar, Chat and Journal) for users of the current model.

Click on the Browse. button to display options to connect to the Cloud or remove the current value from the field.

  • If you click on 'Define Connection' the 'Cloud Connection' dialog displays with the fields defaulted to the first Cloud-connected model in the 'Pinned' or 'Recent' list; if necessary, select or overtype with the appropriate replacement values, and click on the OK button to display the model name in the 'Model Connection' field
    The current model will then link to the Collaboration facilities of the connected model
  • If you click on 'Remove', any connection string is removed from the 'Model Connection' field; once the current model is reloaded, the model users will then revert to the Collaboration facilities of that model - all the original Collaboration content is available

You must have 'Administer Database' access permissions to set the central model. The end users must have the same user credentials in both the 'work' model and the 'Collaboration' model (and therefore User Security has to be enabled in both models). You can set up the user credentials the same way in each model, but if you are using a MySQL, SQL Server or Oracle repository it is far more convenient for you as Database Administrator to set up a shared repository for both models so that they refer to the same secusers table. (The secusers table is one of those listed for selection when setting up a shared repository.)

Linking Reference Data Connecting Enterprise Architect to a Cloud Model

Font Face

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the font in which to display all element text in diagram renditions of elements.

Set Element Font

Font Size

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the font size in which to display all element text in diagram renditions of elements.


Click on this button to clear the 'Font Face' and 'Font Size' fields.

Notes Font

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the default font of all text displayed in Notes elements and fields on diagrams.


Click on this button to clear the 'Notes Font' field.

Ignore image transparency

Select this checkbox to ignore transparency for all images in the model, effectively rendering them as 24-bit images.

Deselect the checkbox to show the transparency for all (32-bit) images on which it has been used.

If you change the selection, you must restart Enterprise Architect to bring that change into effect.

Message Spacing

Type in the vertical gap (in points, between 15 and 45) to maintain between Sequence Messages on a Sequence diagram.

This spacing can be overridden manually by dragging a Message up or down.

Enable Structure Compartments

Defaults to selected to automatically display Structure compartments on elements in rectangular notation on diagrams across the model. Clear the checkbox if you do not want to display Structure compartments on elements.

DiagramObject Class Feature Visibility

XMI/VC Import Policy for Discsussions

Click on the drop-down arrow and select an option that determines how to import Discussions from XMI :

  • Always Merge - select this option to retain the existing Discussions in Model and merge those in XMI
  • Always Restore - select this option to delete the existing Discussions in Model and import those in XMI

Notes :

  • The selected option determines how Discussions are impored during the following import : XMI 1.1, XMI 2.1, Native XML, Package Control, Version Control and Baselines
  • The selected option can be overridden in 'Import Package from XML' dialog if the checkbox 'Allow user to override if prompted' is selected
  • In Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled then only the Admin administrator or an user in the Administrators group can select these options
Import from XML Baselines Version Control Controlled Packages

Allow user to override if prompted

Select the checkbox to override the option selected for 'XMI/VC Import Policy for Discsussions' in 'Import Package from XML' dialog

Import from XML

SysML Options



See also

Dashed Line for Control Flow

Select this option to draw all control flows on SysML diagrams as dashed lines. Deselect this option to draw all control flows on SysML diagrams as solid lines.

This option does not affect control flows on non-SysML diagrams, which will always be drawn as solid lines.


  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Manage Project Settings' permission to set, change or clear the 'Font Face' and 'Font Size' fields, and to enable/disable diagram image-maps
  • Similarly, if security is enabled you must have 'Configure Project Prerequisites' permission to update the 'Minimum Version' and 'Minimum Build' settings
  • You can also define User fonts on the 'Preferences' dialog that apply to any diagram you display in any model; the User font is overridden by the Model font, to ensure that all members of the project team have a consistent and coherent view of the model
  • Model fonts are themselves overridden by specifically-defined element fonts, so that the element is viewed as designed regardless of the model defaults; to define the font for a specific element, right-click on the element in a diagram and select the 'Appearance | Set Font' option
  • It is recommended that a project authority sets the Model font, and all project members abide by it and do not change it without project approval; in editions where security is enabled, changes can be restricted by allocating permission only to the project authority

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