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The Testpoints Window

The Testpoints Window is the hub where Test Domain constraints are composed. It is also the control that lets you verify a particular Test Domain on a program. The program might be already running or it can be launched using the control's Toolbar. Here you will also be able to see the results of your tests, as they happen. This control is context-sensitive, responding to the selection of elements in the Browser window or on a diagram. Depending on the selection, tests can be carried out on a single Class, a Use Case (Test Set) or a collection of Use Cases (A Test Suite).



Execute > Tools > Tester > Show Testpoint Window

Testpoints Window Columns



See also


Displays the name of the selected Testpoint object and the hierarchy of objects beneath it.

The selected object can be a:

  • Class
  • Operation
  • Test Cut
  • Test Set or
  • Test Suite
Test Cut Test Set Test Suite


For an Operation, this column shows a Testpoint marker icon (Testpoint marker) when the Analyzer has successfully bound this operation in the target application. If no icon appears in this column during a run, it indicates that the model and code base might not be synchronized; perhaps the signature of the function has changed, or the operation is a new method you are working on that exists in the source code but not yet in your model.

For a Testpoint, this column shows a generated id number. This id number is used in trace output to indicate which constraint is being referenced.


A pencil icon (Pencil icon) in this column indicates that one or more constraints are defined for this Class or Operation.

Testpoint Editor


During a test run, indicates these possible statuses:

  • (Fail icon) Failed - Constraint has evaluated as false one or more times.
  • (Invalid icon) Invalid Statement - Constraint failed to parse due to invalid syntax.
  • (Not found icon) Variable not found - A referenced variable name was not found at the location where the constraint was evaluated.

No icon is shown if a constraint has Passed.


During a test run, indicates the number of times the Execution Analyzer has evaluated this constraint.


During a test run, indicates the number of times the test passed.


During a test run, indicates the number of times the test failed.

Last Run By

Displays the username of the last person to run this test. (Values are derived from the Project Author definitions in the 'People' dialog - 'Configure > Reference Data > Model Types > People > Project Authors'.)

Last Run Date

Displays the date and time this test was last evaluated.

Last Run Result

Displays the result of the last test run.

Parent Collections Pane

Lists any parent collections that include the selected object as part of their design.

Double-click this collection to make it the selected object in the left pane.

The Parent Collections pane can be hidden by clicking the Show / Hide Parent Collections pane button on the Testpoints Window Toolbar.

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