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Motivation Elements

Motivation elements are used to model the motivations, or reasons, that guide the design or change of an Enterprise Architecture.

Table of Motivation Elements


A stakeholder represents the role of an individual, team, or organization (or classes thereof) that represents their interests in the effects of the architecture. The image demonstrates both standard and alternative element notation.


A driver represents an external or internal condition that motivates an organization to define its goals and implement the changes necessary to achieve them.


An assessment represents the result of an analysis of the state of affairs of the enterprise with respect to some driver.


A goal represents a high-level statement of intent, direction, or desired end state for an organization and its stakeholders.


An outcome represents an end result.


A principle represents a statement of intent defining a general property that applies to any system in a certain context in the architecture.


A requirement represents a statement of need defining a property that applies to a specific system as described by the architecture.


A constraint represents a factor that limits the realization of goals.


Meaning represents the knowledge or expertise present in, or the interpretation given to, a concept in a particular context.


Value represents the relative worth, utility, or importance of a concept.