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Workbench Setup

This topic describes the requirements for setting up the Object Workbench on Java and Microsoft .NET.


On the Execution Analyzer window, either:

  • Locate and double-click on the required script and select the 'Debug > Workbench' page      or
  • Click on in the window Toolbar, select the Package in which to create a new script, and select the 'Debug > Workbench' page


Develop > Source Code > Execution Analyzer > Edit Analyzer Scripts

Execute > Tools > Analyzer

Keyboard Shortcuts





See also

Platforms Supported

The Workbench supports these platforms:

  • Microsoft .NET (version 2.0 or later)
  • Java (JDK 1.4 or later)
Debug Script

Microsoft .NET Workbench

The .NET workbench requires an assembly, which is used to create the workbench items.

You specify the path to the assembly on the 'Workbench' page of the Analyzer Script.

There are two constraints in using the .NET workbench:

  • Members defined as struct in managed code are not supported
  • Classes defined as internal are not supported
General Setup for .NET

Java Workbench

The Java workbench uses the Virtual Machine settings configured in the Analyzer Script 'Debug' page to create the JVM.

General Setup for Java

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