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Modeling Parametric Equations
Engineers are charged with finding solutions to problems and opportunities, and use models as a way of visualizing simplifications of both the system under consideration and the world context that the system will need to operate in. Systems engineering models created in Enterprise Architect provide a valuable tool for analysis, design, architecture, testing and visualization. This includes being able to predict how a system will behave in a given context, balancing competing requirements and design considerations in the form of stakeholder negotiations and trade-off analysis. Parametric diagrams are an advanced tool that can assist the engineer to address these concerns in a model and pre-emptively represent how a system is likely to behave.
In an earlier topic we learnt how equations can be modeled using the Block Definition diagram, with the Part Association relationship articulating the variables (parameters) of the equation. This provides an essential mechanism for re-use. As a refresher of how we use a Constraint Block to model equations refer to this diagram, which uses a Constraint (which is a stereotyped Block) to model a vehicle's fuel. The Fuel Flow Rate is based on an equation that has fuel pressure (press) and fuel demand as variables (parameters).
Any equation, or system of equations can be modeled using the constraint.
This constraint can potentially be re-used in a number of different contexts. It is on the Parametric diagram that we see how it is used. For more information, see the Parametric Diagrams Help topic.