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SysML Simulation Examples

This section provides a worked example for each of these stages: creating a SysML model for a domain, simulating it, and evaluating the results of the simulation. The examples apply the information discussed in the earlier topics.




See also

Electrical Circuit Simulation Example

The first example is of the simulation of loading an electrical circuit. The example starts with an electrical circuit diagram and converts it to a parametric model. The model is then simulated and the voltage at the source and target terminals of a resistor are evaluated and compared to the expected values.

Electrical Circuit Simulation Example

Mass-Spring-Damper Oscillator Simulation Example

The second example uses a simple physical model to demonstrate the oscillation behavior of a mass-spring-damper system.

Mass-Spring-Damper Oscillator Simulation Example

Water Tank Pressure Regulator

The final example shows the water levels of two water tanks where the water is being distributed between them. We first simulate a well-balanced system, then we simulate a system where the water will overflow from the second tank.

Water Tank Pressure Regulator