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Quick Linker

When a user is creating new elements and connectors on a diagram they can simplify the process by using the Quick Linker arrow, which displays a list of the common connectors that can issue from a selected element and a list of the common elements each connector can connect to. These lists are derived from a Quick Linker definition, which is a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format file.

As part of a Profile, you can add to or replace the built-in Quick Linker definitions using your own definitions. These can be derived from:

  • A Quick Linker Definition Format CSV file that you integrate with the Profile by adding the CSV text to a Document Artifact element on the Profile diagram (preferred method) - see the Quick Linker Definition Format Help topic
  • A custom metamodel diagram View, including a set of metamodel constraints that define what types of element are connected by what type(s) of connector (second preferred method) - see the Introducing the Metamodel Views and Define Metamodel Constraints Help topics)
  • A Relationship Table CSV file that you integrate with the Profile also by adding the CSV text to a Document Artifact element on the Profile diagram (best only  for implementing complex relationship rules that don't necessarily correspond to a defined metamodel) - see the Relationship Table help topic


  • The philosophy behind a Quick Linker definition is not to provide a complete list of valid or legal connections, but a short and convenient list of the commonest connections for the given context

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