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Using UPDM

UPDM is the Unified Profile for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and  Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF). UPDM is an Object Management Group (OMG) initiative; the specification is available from the OMG website.

You can perform UPDM modeling within Enterprise Architect, using these facilities:

  • The UPDM Profile, which defines the stereotyped UML elements that are used for UPDM modeling
  • Custom diagram types for each UPDM view
  • Custom Diagram Toolbox pages for each UPDM diagram type, which give easy access to the elements used on diagrams of that type
  • Options within the Model Builder that can be used to import a template Package for each UPDM view and that provide a brief description of the view and what might be expected of the modeler
  • Quicklinks for stereotyped elements that guide you towards creating correct relationships between elements
  • Model Validation rules that you can apply to check your models for correctness
  • Relationship Matrix profiles for showing the relationships between elements
  • Model Views that help you navigate your model quickly to find specific diagram more easily
  • A Glossary import, with items describing each UPDM stereotype for easy reference
  • Tagged Values that you can use to enter metadata specific to UPDM elements
  • An Example Model that illustrates a typical UPDM problem and its solution, implemented using Enterprise Architect

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