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Create a Subversion Environment

You can use Subversion as a Version Control provider for Enterprise Architect. The first step in doing this is for a Subversion administrator to install and configure the appropriate software. A number of basic tasks are performed in creating an operational Subversion environment, and useful tools are available for performing some of these tasks.

Tasks in Creating a Subversion Environment



See also

Install server components

Executable files for Subversion can be obtained from the Apache Software Foundation.

Subversion server components are available to run on a wide range of different hardware and operating systems; Enterprise Architect is not affected by your choice of server components.

VisualSVN is an application that can greatly simplify the installation, configuration and management of your Subversion server.

Apache Subversion Official Subversion Documentation

Create a repository

Please consult the official Subversion documentation.

Create Subversion users

Please consult the official Subversion documentation.

Create a new repository sub-tree

It is good practice to create a new repository sub-tree in Subversion for each new Enterprise Architect model being added to Version Control with Subversion. Users should create a new local working copy from the sub-tree to be used with that model.

TortoiseSVN can greatly simplify the process of creating new repository sub-trees.

Create a new Repository Sub-tree TortoiseSVN

Install client components

Executable files for Subversion can be obtained from the Apache Software Foundation.

Apache Subversion

Create a working copy folder

A working copy folder must exist on each users' machine, for Enterprise Architect to use when exporting and importing the Version Controlled Package files. It is this folder that is specified as the Local Project Path, when defining your Version Control Configurations.

The working copy folder is the 'sandbox' where you modify the controlled files. The working copy folder is usually associated with a folder that exists within the Version Control repository. In Subversion, to create a local working copy you perform an initial check-out of a folder from the Subversion repository; this downloads a copy of the folder and its contents, to create your local working copy.

TortoiseSVN can greatly simplify the initial check out of a working copy folder.

Create a Local Working Copy TortoiseSVN

Setting up Subversion under Wine/CrossOver

The process of setting up and using Subversion with Enterprise Architect under Wine is almost identical to the process when running natively under Windows, apart from minor differences in installing the Subversion client and performing the initial check out of the working copy folder.

Subversion Under Wine-Crossover


  • Enterprise Architect relies on exclusive file locking when applying Version Control to its Packages; file locking was not introduced into Subversion until version 1.2, therefore Enterprise Architect does not work with Subversion releases earlier than Subversion 1.2
  • Enterprise Architect can only communicate with the Subversion server using the Subversion command line client svn.exe

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