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Structured Activity

Structured Activity elements are used in Activity diagrams. A Structured Activity is an activity node that can have subordinate nodes as an independent Activity Group. You can set an option to ensure that no other Activities or their side effects interfere with this Activity's processing (the 'Must Isolate' checkbox in the Structured Activity element 'Properties' dialog).

Enterprise Architect provides a number of forms of Structured Activity, both basic and specialized.



Design > Diagram > Toolbox : Specify 'Activity' in the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+Shift+3 : Search > Specify 'Activity' in the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog


You can display or hide the Diagram Toolbox by clicking on the Chevron Right or Chevron Left icons at the left-hand end of the Caption Bar at the top of the Diagram View.

Create Structured Activities

When you drag a Structured Activity icon from the Toolbox onto a diagram, a short menu displays from which you select one of these options:

  • Loop Node
  • Conditional Node
  • Other

The first two options specifically create a Loop Node or Conditional Node.

The 'Other' option displays the 'New Structured Activity' dialog, on which you can select to create one of five types of Structured Activity element.

Structured Activity Types



See also

Simple Composite Activity

Generates a Composite Activity element with a child Activity diagram.

Activity Composite Elements

Loop Node

Represents a sequence of Actions and Activities that are to be repeated within the object.

Loop Node

Conditional Node

Represents an arrangement of Actions and Activities where choice determines which Activities are performed.

Conditional Node

Structured Activity Node

Represents an ordered arrangement of executable Activity nodes (Actions, Decisions, Merges and so on) that can include branched and nested nodes; this is the base element from which the other types of Structured Activity are derived.

Structured Node

Sequential Node

Represents a sequential arrangement of executable Activity nodes.

Sequential Node


  • To protect the processing of a Loop or Conditional Node Structured Activity from interference from other Activities or their side effects, open the Properties window and select the 'Must Isolate' checkbox on the 'Loop' or 'Condition' tab

Toolbox icon

Sub-Activity element

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