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Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN)

Model and Visualize Evolving Circumstances and Exchange Case Models

Organizations strive to realize their Mission and Vision by executing their strategies to reach their goals. Much of this relies on carrying out repeatable processes to deliver value to their customers while all the time endeavoring to improve these processes to make them more efficient and meet new business conditions.  Some industries and domains don't lend themselves to creating structured sequential descriptions of  the way an activity is carried out. For example in the medical profession the resolution of a patient's situation does not follow any predicable path and varies from patient to patient and case to case in the context of a medical history and the current medical problem.

Using Case Management Model and Notation you can model these unpredictable situations where there is not a predefined order of tasks, but rather the actions that a case worker performs depend on a given situation and evolving circumstances. Even though there is not a defined sequence of tasks using CMMN you can model the possibilities by defining a case using planned and discretionary items that a case worker can choose.

Example CMMN diagram showing a Case Plan Model that contains a number of connected Tasks.