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Modeling with GML

You can create GML models using the comprehensive diagramming and modeling facilities in Enterprise Architect. First you need to select the GML or Information Exchange Perspective. Perspectives are a useful focusing tool facility that ensure you remain focused and can concentrate on GML modeling.

Perspective menu - GML Perspective Selection

This activates the UML Profile for GML, allowing you to create models with elements and connectors that describe your organization or community domains.



Specialize > Technologies > GML

Context Menu

Right-click on Package | Specialize | GML




See also

Profile Support

You can develop GML constructs quickly and simply, through use of the built-in GML facilities provided in the form of:

  • A GML diagram type, accessed through the 'New Diagram' dialog
  • GML pages in the Diagram Toolbox that map GML concepts to appropriately stereotyped UML elements
  • GML element and relationship entries in the 'Toolbox Shortcut Menu' and 'Quick Linker'
Add New Diagrams Diagram Toolbox Toolbox Shortcut Menu The Quick Linker

GML Toolbox Page

The GML Toolbox pages contain elements and connectors to model geographical features effectively.

GML Toolbox Pages

UML Classes from ISO

(Optional) You can download the UML Classes implemented in ISO/TC 211 as an XMI file, then import the XMI file into Enterprise Architect as a Package containing diagrams and standard UML Classes, which you can reuse in your model.

  • Not all UML Classes implemented in ISO/TC 211 have a corresponding mapping in GML; the Classes that have a mapping (as specified in the GML 3.2.1 specification) are specified in the configurable file GMLClassMapping.xml in the 'Sparx Systems > EA > Config > GML' folder
  • The Namespace information for these Classes is specified in the configurable file GMLNamespaces.xml in the 'Sparx Systems > EA > Config > GML folder'
Import from XMI

GML Application Schema Generation

Any model you create using GML in Enterprise Architect can be exported as a GML Application Schema.

Using the configurable file GMLStereotypes.xml in the 'Sparx Systems > EA > Config > GML' folder, you can specify aliases for the standard GML stereotypes. The GML Application Schema Generator will also consider these aliases during Schema generation.

Generate GML Application Schema


  • GML is available in the Professional, Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect

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