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This problem still exist in build 1704 and 1629 64Bit.
Last version not having this problem I know is build 1560.
General Board / Re: Hiding Out of Scope attributes on a diagram
« Last post by Geert Bellekens on Today at 01:32:51 am »
We are not doing the same thing, I am using the diagram scope method instead of the element scope method, terminology thanks to Takeshi, because my understanding is that if I don't the changes. This is because my understanding, perhaps incorrect, is that the element scope method applies to every single diagram that is using that element, but I could be wrong.

Element scope  method
Right click on the class on the diagram, choose Compartment Visibility, click on the button Custom in the Attribute Visibility section and check the checkboxes next to the attributes I want to hide.

Diagram scope  method
Right click on the diagram, choose Features, and type of cut and past a list of attributes to hide.

Ah, I understand. In fact the element scope method is also limited to this particular diagram.
I've never actually used the diagram scope option before. It could be very useful for hiding things like technical columns in tables (created_by, created_date, valid_from,....) because then you want to hide them from all tables on the diagram, so name based would be the best approach.

If you want to hide certain particular attributes I guess the element scope method works best (and keeps working even if you rename the attribute)

General Board / Re: Hiding Out of Scope attributes on a diagram
« Last post by Modesto Vega on Today at 12:44:59 am »
We are not doing the same thing, I am using the diagram scope method instead of the element scope method, terminology thanks to Takeshi, because my understanding is that if I don't the changes. This is because my understanding, perhaps incorrect, is that the element scope method applies to every single diagram that is using that element, but I could be wrong.

Element scope  method
Right click on the class on the diagram, choose Compartment Visibility, click on the button Custom in the Attribute Visibility section and check the checkboxes next to the attributes I want to hide.

Diagram scope  method
Right click on the diagram, choose Features, and type of cut and past a list of attributes to hide.

General Board / C code generation not working for typedef struct declarations
« Last post by mse on November 14, 2024, 11:59:25 pm »
I am making sure I can generate different sorts of C declarations from a UML model, but one I cannot figure out is something like the following:

Code: [Select]
typedef struct vlink_conf Vlink_conf;
I can only get the following, which is not valid C syntax:

Code: [Select]
typedef struct vlink_conf Vlink_conf;

struct vlink_conf
char network;
char integrity;
} ;

My diagram looks like the following:

I have tried with using the C options tagged values but with limited success. This is the closest I can get, but the "struct" keyword is still missing in the forward declaration.
General Board / Re: Hiding Out of Scope attributes on a diagram
« Last post by Geert Bellekens on November 14, 2024, 11:44:49 pm »
We are running the same version of EA but 64-bit on a SQL Server 2016 repository running on Azure VM
Even weirder.

I'm hiding my attributes by right clicking on the class on the diagram, and choosing Compartment Visibility
then I click on the button Custom in the Attribute Visibility section and checking the checkboxes next to the attributes I want to hide. (the dropdown on the top left show Hide)

Can you confirm that you are doing exactly the same thing?

This is most confusing, specially as we going to start considering a v17 upgrade.
General Board / Re: Hiding Out of Scope attributes on a diagram
« Last post by Modesto Vega on November 14, 2024, 10:57:08 pm »
We are running the same version of EA but 64-bit on a SQL Server 2016 repository running on Azure VM
Good questions,Paolo.

It seems to me, after quick glance at the release notes, that most of what is added to v16.1 are fixes and functionality already present in v17.

Wouldn't be the firsttime I'm wrong, though  :)

General Board / Re: Title blocks in UML diagrams
« Last post by rtyup6527 on November 14, 2024, 10:05:43 pm »
It might not work, but for what it’s worth you can try using the "Diagram Frame" feature to add a frame that holds project details (e.g. author and date). Good luck!
General Board / Re: Hiding Out of Scope attributes on a diagram
« Last post by Geert Bellekens on November 14, 2024, 09:43:13 pm »
Just quick update, the exclusion is saved on the StyleEx field, as Geert mentioned, by it done by name not by GUID; it looks something like:

Code: [Select]
The list delimiter seems to be either CR of LR, or something else.
Hmm, that is weird. On my installation (v16.1.1628 32 bit on Azure SQL repository)  I have the following in my diagrams StyleEx field:
There is no SUPATT at all.
2F6131 and C08AA2 are the first characters of the guids of my hidden attributes.

I'm not sure if it depends on the version, or the repository type, but apparently there are different ways this is being handled by EA.


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