Dear All,
I'm developing an addin to support traceability management for a special purpose process.
Actually what i'm doing is to develop a custom UML profile and tring to manage attributes (via taggedValues) via base EA functionalities, letting to my addin to implement only functionalities not available by EA (AFAIK).
Out goal is to obtain a seamless add-in that is fully integrated with EA functionalities, in order to obtain a support that is flexible and effective.
Now, I need to support "Linkage" phase, by offering to user this kinds of supports:
- ability of easily modify elements retrieved by the add-in:
is it possible to call the EA "Properties panel" (that is usually accessiblefrom users by selecting "Properties..." from the context menu) from my add-in, i.e. by giving in input the elemetid of the desidered element to be modified?
- custom listing of requirements:
I need a sort of view that lists requirements showing some selected set of taggedvalues...
can I create it as an user view (without coding & reinventing the weel)?
eventually could it be possible to call that by the add-in?
- custom relationship matrix:
we need to build a this matrix should:
1. support filtering (for example byhiding lower level requirements) and
2. should offer a sort of discrimination beetween different types of links.
for example we use a taggedvalue "link_status" to characterize link status, and we need to get user easily able to understands in wich status the link is (is. by displayng red arrows for links that have conflicts, and green arrows for links that are ok).
Can I profile standard EA matrix to obtain this?
About this point I'm not sure, but if someone could give me some help
i would really enjoy that

Any suggestion is welcome

Thank you all,