Hi all,
I am currently working on EA_GetMenuState method from the API, and i am having quite strange troubles.
My scenario :
I go to addin Main menu.
EA_GetMenuState is called for each submenus to decide how to display them and depending on my business layer some submenus are enabled and other no!
All works fine here.
Now, I click on an enabled submenu.
First strange thing, EA_GetMenuState is called again on this submenu (before the click). I was thinking the EA_GetMenuState was called before the display of a menu, not when clicking on it before calling EA_Click....
Moreover, if the last thing I focus on in the project browser, is a package (easy to reproduce), the EA_GetMenuState called to display my submenu has a menuLocation equal to MainMenu, so my submenu is enabled, the EA_GetMenuState called when clicking on the same submenu, has a menu location equals to TreeView. So my problem....
Using EA 7.5 or EA 8.0.
Thanks for your replies,