Hi Stefano,
Elements are not connectors. The three key fundamentals in the EA data model are element, connector and diagram.
A connector connects two elements, but it is not itself an element.
If you want to create a search definition that will return only connectors, you can -- but only by writing your own SQL search. The search builder's filters can be applied to a number of things (elements, diagrams, attributes, ...), but not to connectors. But if you define an SQL search instead, you can retrieve just connectors.
Connectors have names (though often they're empty), and stereotypes, and can have tagged values and various other properties as well.
Note, however, that while such a search would return a tabulated list of connectors which you could copy into a spreadsheet, you would not be able to right-click an entry and select "Find in Diagrams" or "Find in Project Browser", since these functions apply only to elements, not to connectors.
So it's a question of what you're searching for, and what you want to do with the results. If you're really looking for elements which are connected to other elements in a certain way, and/or you want to navigate from the search results into the model, then an element search is what you want.
An SQL search can be made arbitrarily complex. You could for instance write one which finds all elements which have a connector of a certain type which in turn has a certain tagged value.