Hello everyone,
the current beta EA V16 Build 1603 throws the following error when debugging of scripts is attempted:
[24297919] Stack recording threshold set to 3 frames
[24297989] Default Directory is C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA
[24297989] Agent dll found: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA\SScript.dll
[24297989] Default Directory is C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA
[24297990] Agent: Started
[24298036] Microsoft Process Debug Manager creation Failed: 0x80040154
[24298036] This is included as part of various Microsoft products.
[24298036] Download the Microsoft Script Debugger to install it.
[24298036] Failed to initialize VBScript engine
[24298037] Debug Session Ended
Background might be the same as a couple of years before:
https://sparxsystems.com/forums/smf/index.php/topic,11131.msg149386.html#msg149386Still, it would be good to provide an official backup resource from where the Microsoft Script Debugger can be installed on the website of Sparx Systems, or in a more optimal way, just include it to the deployed files of the EA installer, if the licensing of the component allows it.
Please note that this is quite an important feature and attempting post-install steps on the side of end-users shall not be seen as mature deployment solution.
Any response with a working
official resource would be appreciated. Notes about package references found on the web are not valid anymore for Visual Studio 2019 Professional 16.11.11.