Author Topic: BRD and SDD new releases  (Read 1663 times)


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BRD and SDD new releases
« on: March 20, 2022, 01:38:01 am »
March is a great month, besides what is happening in the world we have updated both of my eBooks:

UML-ERP Workshop at
Designing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System with the UML modeling tool, Enterprise Architect.

1-Writing a Business Requirement Document (BRD) for the Inventory module.
2-Writing a Software Design Document (SDD) a Data Driven Report Engine.

Anyone trying to develop a system within their organization has been faced with many competing demands. Demands come from those responsible for establishing the guidance for the organization, the industry standards that are designed to assist in establishing direction, the features provided by the available tool sets in this space, and those who are impacted by the direction as they attempt to do their daily work. I will teach you how I have implemented in different organizations how to write a BRD and an SDD.
There is no shortage of articles about the right or best way to create a BRD or an SDD, and there are lots of potential approaches, you can learn the concepts by completing inter-actives exercises with what UML-ERP Workshop offers you.

You can purchase the BRD or the SDD at, or we have an offer to buy both as a bundle.

Happy reading guys.
Best regards

Jose Zouain