Thanks again,
I already tried the ShowWindow(long Show) method and it does not work and I think it is simply because I don't have an handle on the right instance of the EA process. If I launch the Application manually before trying to open the Repository programmatically, the UI instance is not the same as the one I get from the OpenFile() method. So, pretty predictable the the ShowWindow sent to an instance that is not opened in the UI could not actually show this Window.
The Add-in solution rings a bell but this would make the whole development process heavier. I would have wish to rely only on VS as my development environment. But if I have no choice, this is what I will do.
Regarding the InvokeConstructPicker method, unless I misunderstood your point, I don't think this would help in my case since I wish to rely on the flexibility of the user interacting with the UI to taylor the kind of processing I will get. The InvokeConstructPicker needs its arguments to be set at design time, not at runtime. Or if I want to set them at runtime, this is a catch 22 since I will need the UI to provide them...
Anyway, from your last reply, my conclusion is that this is the normal behavior of the Repository interface and that there is no way to open the UI from a programmatical instruction through the Interop API, right?
Thanks again!