Author Topic: XMI: exporting class and attribute notes  (Read 1535 times)


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XMI: exporting class and attribute notes
« on: September 25, 2023, 12:33:29 am »
I'm trying to include class and attribute notes in EA's XMI export but can't find an option to make that happen. Notes that are added to diagrams are included as XMI <ownedComment> elements. Is there a way to get the class and attribute elements to be exported similarly?

I'm using EA 16.1.1627 and exporting to Normative XMI 2.4.2.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2023, 07:12:20 am by nimbu »

Geert Bellekens

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Re: XMI: exporting class and attribute notes
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2023, 02:21:47 pm »
Notes should be exported. If not that's a bug that you need to report to Sparx.

In the meantime you might want to try one of the older XMI versions (like 1.1). That definitely contains the notes of classes and attributes.



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Re: XMI: exporting class and attribute notes
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2023, 12:14:28 am »
Thank you for your reply, Geert.

Per your suggestion I tried an export to XMI 1.1 and it does indeed include the notes as documentation elements.

I also tried exports to other XMI versions via the 'Other Formats...' dialog. It appears that XMI exported for EA round-tripping includes element notes, but if i tick 'Exclude EA Extensions', element notes are not written to XMI. So this issue may only occur when exporting to normative versions of XMI. I'll check with Sparx.



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Re: XMI: exporting class and attribute notes
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2023, 05:10:38 pm »
As Geert mentioned earlier: Notes should be exported in all formats

I have't tested it in build 1626 but it should be the case.
If the issue is that notes aren't updated over existing elements (that is a know issue and has been reported)
It's better to report this again (I asked it during global summit and its probably not high enough on the bugs to be fixed list)
Its also not specifically mentioned on the slide on things that will be improved (so perhaps it is working as intended for some yet unknown reason to the community?)


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Re: XMI: exporting class and attribute notes
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2023, 08:30:26 am »
As Geert mentioned earlier: Notes should be exported in all formats
Enterprise Architect supports some formats that don't support notes. Obviously 'all' is incorrect.

I have't tested it in build 1626 but it should be the case.
I don't think it has changed in 1627 or 1628, but just FYI 1626 hasn't been the latest version since July.

If the issue is that notes aren't updated over existing elements (that is a know issue and has been reported)
It's better to report this again (I asked it during global summit and its probably not high enough on the bugs to be fixed list)
No. What's being reported is that attribute notes are only available in the EA extensions for a particular XMI version, which means that if you turn that off they aren't included at all. I don't know what you asked in the global summit, but if you want it looked at I'd suggest you Report a Bug. I don't think questions asked during the summit are passed on as issues to investigate.

Its also not specifically mentioned on the slide on things that will be improved (so perhaps it is working as intended for some yet unknown reason to the community?)
Have you ever seen our release notes for a major version? If it covered things at this level you would need every line in the release notes on that slide. You wouldn't fit it in 10 slides.