We have decided to rationalise our shapescripts. That is, making sure that they do the same thing in the same way.
One of the things we allow the user to do is set their own shape via User-Specified Diagram Properties (USDPs). They can also select whether the shape should be "transparent" or not—again via USDPs.
We've done this for a few years (since USDPs were created).
We've discovered that in non-rectangular mode, if we use startpath(), shapefunctions... endpath(), strokepath(), i.e. creating a "transparent" shape, for shapes other than a polygon, the shape is displayed as "transparent".
However, for Polygon shapes, the shape is always NON-transparent - regardless!
This functionality works correctly in v15.2 (we just confirmed that). The problem came in with v16 - we've confirmed that, too!
Also, there are other defects in shape rendering - related to this problem (again, working under v15.2) - which I'll detail in other posts.