Author Topic: Relative path for Intermediary File in Model Transformation dialog possible?  (Read 609 times)


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I am using EA V17 and would like to place the intermediate file in a directory that is at the same level as the project file (qea file). As I work with several projects, I always want to set the path relative to the project.

Something like this:


As far as I understand, this path is contained in the variable $EAPDIR, for prj1 would then be $EAPDIR=D:\earepo\prj1

I would now like to specify $EAPDIR\Transformation\IM.log for the intermediate path

so that I do not overwrite the log file of prj1 when switching from prj1 to prj2.

Unfortunately, however, I cannot enter a path directly in the Model Transformation dialog but can only navigate in the directory, so I cannot simply specify the $EAPDIR variable as part of the path.

Does anyone know how I can work around this limitation or do I have to live with it (for now)?

Thanks in advance
