Author Topic: Linking Connectors to Diagrams  (Read 1613 times)


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Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« on: January 14, 2025, 12:26:30 pm »
Does anyone know if I can link a connector (between two elements) to a diagram?  I have searched everywhere (well, many places ;D) but can find no information.  Can it be done? If not, any alternative suggestions welcome.

Paolo F Cantoni

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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2025, 12:36:45 pm »
Does anyone know if I can link a connector (between two elements) to a diagram?  I have searched everywhere (well, many places ;D ) but can find no information.  Can it be done? If not, any alternative suggestions are welcome.
Hi Niocholas,
I don't understand what you are asking. Perhaps some structural input from me can help clarify your question.
Firstly, we are dealing with a model - the model is held within the database.  A diagram is simply a view into the model that shows whatever shapes and lines the modeller wishes.  The lines and shapes on a diagram should be selected to make whatever point (indeed a viewpoint) the modeller tries to make through the diagram.

Consequently, neither the shapes nor the lines belong to any specific diagram.  Indeed, the default mechanism is that when you add a new relationship between two shapes on one diagram, the relationship will also appear between the same two shapes on any other diagram in which the two shapes appear together.

Does that help?
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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2025, 03:06:00 pm »

Many thanks for your insights. Let me put your mind at rest - I am very clear on the difference between model and diagrams.  I didn't want to bore you all with the details but I am constructing a very detailed model with views surfaced in various diagrams (you do actually have to look at something eventually :)).

To assist those consuming the model, almost every element is a composite element linked to a diagram showing more implementation detail concerning that element.  Simple, easy, built into the tool.  What I would like to do is extend that to connectors, "composite connectors" if you will.  The reason for this is my model is organised into multiple layers of abstraction.  At the top, a simple connector showing an integration between two elements may, at a more detailed level, have a more complex structure.  I would like to link a diagram showing that view to the more abstract connector.  Simple problem looking for a solution.  Any thoughts?

Geert Bellekens

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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2025, 04:39:56 pm »
Ah, so you want to make a composite diagram for a connector.

That is currently not supported in EA. Only elements can have composite diagrams.



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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2025, 07:47:14 pm »
Could you achieve something similar using custom Connector stereotypes in an MDG?
ElementA is linked to ElementB using your custom-stereotyped Connector, let's call the stereotype 'RelationshipType'.
Then in the MDG (or in your 'main model'?) you give RelationshipType an IBD or other diagram(s) (if this is permitted?) that describes its nature as you wish. Then in your main model when you find a Connector stereotyped as RelationshipType, you can look up its Stereotype and insect the properties of the Stereotype.
Or it might be simpler to just define RelationshipType within your 'main model' in a similar way to how you would normally do ICD-style interface definitions.

I *think* this kind of works, but it admittedly doesn't give you much flexibility in defining the innards of ReltionshipType - it would basically be described by metamodelling in your MDG rather than any of your 'main model' Elements etc.
Either way, as has been pointed out, you can't really have Composite Connectors in EA in the same way that you can for Elements.
I also don't have EA open at the moment and haven't tried to do this myself.


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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2025, 09:20:29 am »
Ah, so you want to make a composite diagram for a connector.

That is currently not supported in EA. Only elements can have composite diagrams.


Many thanks Geert ... I suspected as much but it is a big product, so I had to ask :)


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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2025, 09:22:34 am »
Could you achieve something similar using custom Connector stereotypes in an MDG?
ElementA is linked to ElementB using your custom-stereotyped Connector, let's call the stereotype 'RelationshipType'.
Then in the MDG (or in your 'main model'?) you give RelationshipType an IBD or other diagram(s) (if this is permitted?) that describes its nature as you wish. Then in your main model when you find a Connector stereotyped as RelationshipType, you can look up its Stereotype and insect the properties of the Stereotype.
Or it might be simpler to just define RelationshipType within your 'main model' in a similar way to how you would normally do ICD-style interface definitions.

I *think* this kind of works, but it admittedly doesn't give you much flexibility in defining the innards of ReltionshipType - it would basically be described by metamodelling in your MDG rather than any of your 'main model' Elements etc.
Either way, as has been pointed out, you can't really have Composite Connectors in EA in the same way that you can for Elements.
I also don't have EA open at the moment and haven't tried to do this myself.

Thanks Phil ... food for thought.  I will have a look at this and see if it gives me something.  ...Nick

Paolo F Cantoni

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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2025, 09:45:57 am »

Many thanks for your insights. Let me put your mind at rest - I am very clear on the difference between model and diagrams.  I didn't want to bore you all with the details but I am constructing a very detailed model with views surfaced in various diagrams (you do actually have to look at something eventually.

To assist those consuming the model, almost every element is a composite element linked to a diagram showing more implementation detail concerning that element.  Simple, easy, built into the tool.  What I would like to do is extend that to connectors, "composite connectors" if you will.  The reason for this is my model is organised into multiple layers of abstraction.  At the top, a simple connector showing an integration between two elements may, at a more detailed level, have a more complex structure.  I would like to link a diagram showing that view to the more abstract connector.  Simple problem looking for a solution.  Any thoughts?
Ahh, Hicholas,
now I can see what you are trying to achieve!  As Geert says, you want to create a composite diagram for a connector - to show how a single connector at one level is, in fact, multiple connectors at a lower level.
We have the same (and related issues).  We solved it by using the fact that EA now allows relationships between relationships.
We assert that a relationship can be derived from other relationships via a Derivation relationship.  We have various forms of derivation (by traversal, by union, by specialization etc.).  This will allow you to model the concepts you want.  By creating a diagram with the vertices involved in the derivations; the canonical and derived relationships, and derivation relationships, you effectively get the composite diagram for the high-level connector!  In your case, a simple composition relation between the high-level and lower-level relationships may "do the trick".

Does that help?
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Re: Linking Connectors to Diagrams
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2025, 07:42:31 pm »
We have the same (and related issues).  We solved it by using the fact that EA now allows relationships between relationships.
We assert that a relationship can be derived from other relationships via a Derivation relationship.  We have various forms of derivation (by traversal, by union, by specialization etc.).  This will allow you to model the concepts you want.  By creating a diagram with the vertices involved in the derivations; the canonical and derived relationships, and derivation relationships, you effectively get the composite diagram for the high-level connector!  In your case, a simple composition relation between the high-level and lower-level relationships may "do the trick".

This sounds like a simpler (and better-explained) version of my vague thoughts :)