Author Topic: Adapting XSD Generation  (Read 3681 times)

Michael EA10

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Adapting XSD Generation
« on: July 04, 2014, 04:36:06 pm »

we are using the enterprise architect to formalize our data model. Afterwards, we generate XSD files.

However, we need to adapt the XSD generation. For example:

- Spaces in names have to be deleted:

In UML we have classes like "X A". The complexType in XSD is expected to be "XY" not, "X A".

- Upper Case:

In UML our attributes are lower case. These have to be upper case in XSD.

Furthermore, some data types have to be changed.

So, how can I adapt the transformation? Or how can I create transformation chains so that we first create a new model with the right names and then the XSD?

Kind regards,


« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 04:36:20 pm by iteramike »