May 2018 Newsletter
Enterprise Architect 14
Sparx Systems are pleased to announce the release of Enterprise Architect 14, a major upgrade that redefines the modeling experience and introduces many exciting new tools and capabilities.
Version 14 firmly establishes Enterprise Architect as the pre-eminent modeling and design platform for a diverse range of domains, tasks and concerns.
This release also sees some major changes to the Enterprise Architect "Editions family".
- With the retirement of the Desktop Edition, the Professional Edition now becomes the default "entry level" edition of EA.
- The Corporate Edition remains the enterprise "work horse" for teams of any size.
- A new "Unified Edition" replaces the Business and Systems Editions with considerably enhanced modeling, simulation and framework capabilities.
- The Ultimate Edition brings together everything in the EA family and is the most cost effective solution for the "power user".
- Visit the web site to see an overview of each edition.
Check out the highlights below, then take a more in depth look on-line. For current Registered Users, the release is now available for immediate download.
Visit the release page and download now
- A suite of close to 1,000 custom built model patterns across multiple technologies will help kick start your new project. Included with each pattern is a helpful guide to the patterns structure and usage.
- New Perspectives capability that helps you focus on individual modeling tasks, cutting out noise and refining the modeling palette.
- New and flexible meta-model based rules engine to help tighten up your models and improve conformance, including model validation. User created meta-models are also supported.
- Significant and far reaching changes to many properties and configuration windows to enable context driven docked tools and property sets targeting the current context item.
- Docked properties windows for Diagrams, Relationships, Responsibilities, Construction, Attributes, Operations, Receptions, Ports, Internal Transitions and many more.
- New Context Browser lets you focus on a single branch of the repository. It's a "mini-me" Project Browser giving a key-hole view of the model.
- Improved and extended support for Collaborative Modeling with enhanced Reviews, Discussion and Chats plus new Journal capability for privately recording thoughts and comments on a daily basis.
- Significantly reworked, simplified and trimmed context menus that focus primarily on modeling and model construction. Other commands are now accessible from the Ribbon.
- Reworked and enhanced Ribbons to improve usability and provide a rich, intuitive and accessible experience.
- New Diagram based "split view" enables an inline, editable document view of a diagram's elements, facilitating rapid editing and review of the "words behind the picture".
- Workspaces for all modeling situations. Dozens of new workspaces have been crafted to combine tools you need for a particular modeling context. User Workspaces can also be created.
- A suite of integrations with various industry standard tools such as Jira, Service Now, TFS - and even with other Enterprise Architect models. NB: Requires Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server as the enabling middleware.
- New and improved Simulation capabilities with major updates to the BPSim, Modelica and Executable State Machine tools, helping to bring your model to life.
- All new and very deep support for the Decision Modeling Notation (DMN) language. Includes highly effective tools for defining and working with DMN constructs.
- Model Simulation based on DMN is also supported with tools to configure and step through executing rule sets. Code generation is also possible for various languages.
- Integrated BPSim and DMN simulation is also supported, providing an incredibly powerful and exciting tool suite for dynamically executing and exploring behavioral models.
- Roadmap diagrams and patterns for various domains and scenarios.
- New Team Library replaces the Team Review and includes enhanced capabilities and the ability to store and retrieve binary files - such as PDF files, documents, guidelines and other shared material.
- Installer updated to include almost everything. Core add-ins reworked as loadable technologies. Frameworks and multiple technologies now available without additional download.
- New and enhanced technologies including SysML 1.5 updates, UML 2.5 updates, DMN 1.1, NIEM 4, CMMN, IFML and more.
- Huge improvements to the Systems Engineering/ SysML capabilities, including wide ranging changes to diagrams, element compartments, meta-models, new patterns and MBSE based frameworks.
- Totally reworked and expanded Portals window with instant access to Perspectives, Windows, Workspaces, Guidebooks, Webinars, Help, Searches, Recent files, Recent diagrams and more.
- New Construction Diagram that automatically displays Requirements, Constraints, Tests, Changes, Defects, Resource Allocations, Decisions and more. Visually track development through all stages.
- Rapid diagram creation and element alignment with Smart Placement, automatically show snap to guides for element edges and centers when moving or resizing elements.
- Updated context menu, double click and enter key behavior for the Project Browser for faster more intuitive model navigation.
- And last but not least, stylish new diagram Dark Themes for those who like to do their modeling by moonlight!
Download the release now and see for yourself how version 14 will redefine and improve your modeling experience!
Visit the release page and download now