December 2018 Newsletter
Sparx Systems Acquires Prolaborate Software
Sparx Systems has acquired Prolaborate; offering users a cloud-based curated view of Enterprise Architect model data to help stakeholders and business users analyze, interact and make key decisions.
Sparx Systems Prolaborate provides the non-modeling community with tools for:
- Social collaboration using model contents for better engagement,
- Simplifying and sharing selected parts of the model with non-Enterprise Architect users,
- Driving digital transformation, impact and decision analysis,
- Taking enterprise models to C-level executives with confidence,
- Reviews and workflows for better governance and quality management.
Sparx Systems' CEO, Geoffrey Sparks has remarked of the acquisition:
"Prolaborate is a perfect complement to our Pro Cloud Server offering and brings the benefits of modeling and design-based solutions to a much wider audience."
Sparx Systems Prolaborate is now available as a core component of Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server suite. New and current license holders of the Pro Cloud Server are entitled to 10 Prolaborate licenses.
Intelligent Transport Systems
For over a decade, Sparx Systems has been collaborating with standards organizations. Most recently this collaboration has included ISO/TC 204 and CEN/TC 278 for the development of the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) standard. C-ITS will allow vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and traffic infrastructure enabling road users and traffic managers to share and use information to coordinate their actions. The standard aims to significantly improve road safety and traffic efficiency.
Standards group members are developing the standard using Enterprise Architect and Pro Cloud Server, to create and maintain UML models and subsequent frameworks.
New Resources
Webinar Recording: Prolaborate - Engage & Inform Everyone
Tip: Copy a Diagram to the Clipboard
Case Study: Volkswagen accelerates with Enterprise Architect
Article: Maximizing the Value of your Enterprise Architecture Investment
Poster: Perspectives in Enterprise Architect
Public Training Sessions
Systems Development with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
Virtual: Dec 7, 2018
SysML with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
Virtual: Dec 10-13, 2018
Enterprise Architect Basics (in German)
Munich: Jan 31-Feb 2, 2019
Model Based Development with Enterprise Architect (in German)
Nuremberg: Jan 29-30, 2019
Enterprise Architect Basics (in German)
Vienna: Jan 20-31, 2019
Introduction to Enterprise Architect (in Japanese)
Yokohama: January, 2019 (date pending)
Enterprise Architect Utilization (in Japanese)
Yokohama: January, 2019 (date pending)