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Enterprise Architect: Compact workbook

Author: Dr. Horst Kargl

For many years, SparxSystems Central Europe has produced the "Compendium", a comprehensive workbook for the professional use of Enterprise Architect. The book is continuously adapted to new versions and is therefore always up-to-date.

The individual topics are described as independent units of information, and present the learning content in an easily understandable form. The individual chapters are self-contained and allow you to familiarize yourself with Enterprise Architect step by step. References to other chapters help to look up missing knowledge.

The book distinguishes between configurations and examples. The comprehensive index helps to look up and find the most important topics and terms. In addition, the electronic online search "" allows a full text search in the book.

Last but not least, the workbook looks at approaches, methods and extension possibilities that can be implemented with Enterprise Architect. In this way, you learn how to make the tool your own personal modeling platform and how to optimally integrate it into your tool chain. The aim of the compendium is to use Enterprise Architect to support your self-defined procedures and processes in the best possible way, so that you can successfully implement your modeling approach.

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Fifty Enterprise Architect Tricks

Author: Peter Doomen

50 Enterprise Architect Tricks is a unique collection of hints and tricks that can help advanced users discover time saving functionality and put new users on the fast track to becoming power users.

Containing concise, handy hints covering elements, diagrams, tagged values, connectors and many other advanced topics, 50 Enterprise Architect Tricks is a convenient reference that provides valuable insights even for the most advanced user.

Designed to help beginners and experienced users alike.

"Thanks for putting this resource together. I am a pretty savvy EA user and there were definitely some eye openers in this book. Again, awesome job!" (Carol D, Pittsburgh)

Available in electronic and printed formats.

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Modeling Service Oriented-Architectures: An Illustrated Example using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect

Author: Doug Rosenberg

In our third E-book, author Doug Rosenberg (Founder and President of ICONIX Software Engineering, Inc) presents a practical approach to modeling Service-Oriented Architecture solutions from concept to code.

Using an illustrated example, the reader is guided through the 'hands-on' ICONIX Process Roadmap for Service-Oriented Architecture. Each step of the roadmap is brought to life using Enterprise Architect Business and Software Engineering edition to derive concrete deliverables from visual models.

The author helps us to understand key SOA concepts and demystifies the "acronym soup" surrounding service-oriented development. Topics covered in this E-book include: domain modeling, business rules identification, process modeling and storyboarding, generating web service interfaces from visual models, BPEL engineering and behavioral code generation.

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Download the E-book, Roadmap, Project Template and Rental Car example as a zip file

Embedded Systems Development using SysML: An Illustrated Example using Enterprise Architect

Authors: Doug Rosenberg with Sam Mancerella

Embedded Systems Development using SysML is not just an overview of the SysML modeling notation - it is a practical guide for systems engineers! Author Doug Rosenberg (CEO of ICONIX), provides a well defined approach to systems development, and applies it to a detailed example Audio Player system.

In this e-book, the author introduces a new roadmap for embedded systems development ICONIX Process for Embedded Systems. Each step of the process is clearly explained, drawing upon the Audio Player model constructed in the Systems Engineering edition of Enterprise Architect.

Topics covered in the e-book include SysML modeling concepts such as requirements, block definition, system behaviour, parametrics, state charts and software implementation, as well as advanced capabilities of Enterprise Architect's Systems Engineering edition.

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Download the E-book, Roadmap, Project Template and Audio Player example as a zip file

20 Terabytes a Night: Designing the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope's Image Processing Pipelines


Authors: Doug Rosenberg with Matt Stephens

Since 2002, Sparx Systems has benefitted by having ICONIX as a member of its Global Partner Program. ICONIX CEO Doug Rosenberg is a luminary in the field of Software Engineering and noted author. Over the years he has contributed valuable expertise, helping to ensure Enterprise Architect provides world-leading support for the ICONIX process.

At Sparx, we have enjoyed the 'hands-on'experience Doug has related to us from years of successfully applying the ICONIX process to projects in industry. We'd like to share some of these insights with the broader Enterprise Architect community.

In this e-Book, we asked Doug to distill his experiences and lessons-learned from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project. The sheer size and complex nature of LSST, bring a unique set of challenges and a massive software modeling endeavor. However, the unchanging principles behind use of model abstractions, UML and the ICONIX process remain beneficial in such an undertaking, as highlighted throughout this account. We hope you also enjoy and benefit from Doug's shared experience on the amazing LSST project!

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