Share the benefits of Enterprise Architect with these organizations...
Since its commercial release in August 2000, Enterprise Architect has become the design tool of choice for thousands of organizations around the world, making it a pre-eminent modeling environment for business and IT systems. As a result, Sparx Systems receives success stories that span virtually every industry sector. Here we share just some of the case studies that show how our customers have benefited from using Enterprise Architect.
New Case Studies! Geospatial and Government
How one American state implemented successful health-insurance reform
October 2014 - This 2014 Case Study examines how two Sparx Systems partners - including a major global consulting firm - used Sparx software to help one American state government build an Health Insurance Exchange that was totally successful in its mission from the first day it opened.
Read Article (PDF)Learn why the OmniLink development team chose Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect
OmniLink development team chose Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect for its full life-cycle support;
for its design, model and test the repository without having to hand-write code at each step along with way;
and for the built-in support for team collaboration during the development process.