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With Enterprise Architect 14 just released, we're keen to help you get started and get the most out of the Beta.

Join us for a guided tour of Enterprise Architect, as we walk you through application startup, discuss important new aspects of the release and get you ready to experience this major milestone release for yourself!

In this webinar:


Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about Enterprise Architect

Session 1

Melbourne Wed 28 Mar 08:00 am
New York Tue 27 Mar 17:00 pm
Los Angeles Tue 27 Mar 14:00 pm
London Tue 27 Mar 22:00 pm
Auckland Wed 28 Mar 10:00 am

Session 2


Ben ConstableSparx Systems

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Questions & Answers


With the Beta release available earlier this month, the official release is imminent.

The Start Page in Enterprise Architect 14 has a Portals area. Click the Guidebook Portal.

As registered users, assuming your license maintenance period is current, you can use your existing version 13.5 license to access and install the version 14 Beta. So for users with a current Enterprise Architect license, there is no additional license or fee required to use the Beta release.

Yes. The Enterprise Architect Product page contains a link to download the User Guide. This will continue to be available for version 14.

Version Compatibility

Yes, though diagrams and elements that are based on a new profile from version 14, would not necessarily display the same way in earlier versions. Also, if you edit a model in an earlier version that was created in version 14 and that model contains constructs that were newly released in version 14, the changes may not be preserved. This could apply for example, if you use an earlier version to edit SysML models that were created in version 14, where a lot of new functionality was added for SysML that would not be available in prior versions of Enterprise Architect.

The installer will normally replace your current installation. You can, however, create a side-by-side installation by simply renaming your current installation folder, before installing version 14. For example, rename the installation subfolder from EA to EA-Previous, then install the new version. (Your installation path by default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems and the EA subfolder resides under that.)

You'll then have two subfolders that contain a file named EA.exe, which represent the different versions of Enterprise Architect.

To run your previous version, run the EA.exe file from your renamed installation folder.

There are no mandatory schema changes for Enterprise Architect 14. The last schema change was June, 2016 (which was called it EASchema1220), which mainly consisted of improvements to Indexes.

For SQL Server, there is an optional schema update that improves the XML import of images. Prior to this update, users required the SQLServer role of 'db_ddladmin' to be able to import images (using XML). Once the optional schema change is applied, Enterprise Architect 14 is able to import images without this elevated permission.

If you're already using EASchema1220, as noted in the previous question, you only need to update the client installation. See the notes in the previous question regarding possible schema updates.

Enterprise Architect Editions

The Business and Software Engineering edition will effectively become the Unified edition as of version 14 - with no upgrade fee required. So, assuming you have a current subscription for the Business and Software Engineering edition, you'll be able download and install version 14 and use the Unified edition.

As with the Business and Software Engineering edition, it will be superseded by the Unified edition. Users of the Systems Engineering edition with a current subscription can obtain version 14 and use the Unified edition.

We currently do not plan to support Desktop licenses as of version 14. However we may provide a free upgrade path for those with a current Desktop edition subscription. This is subject to change until the official release.

MDG Integration for MS Office is still a separate download, and requires a separate license as before, with an exception for users of the Ultimate edition.

Many of the technologies that previously required an add-in are now built-in. If you previously required a license key to activate the add-in, Enterprise Architect itself will enable the technology, if you enter an appropriate license key.

It will be available as a separate add-in.

Product Updates

There have been numerous enhancements to the Document Generator. For details, see the Release Notes via the Start Ribbon | Help | Read Me. See the Documentation section.

See the Release Notes via the Start Ribbon | Help | Read Me. See the Pro Cloud Server & Integration section.

They are already integrated into MDG Framework, though the documentation isn't live yet. The Help topics Metaconstraint and Metamodel Constraints will eventually provide the documentation.

Currently, the Visual Studio Solution import supports VS2005 and up.

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