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Connector Class
To represent the various kinds of connectors between UML elements, you use a Connector object. You can access this from either the Client or Supplier element, using the Connectors collection of that element. When creating a new connector you assign to it a valid type from this list:
- Aggregation
- Assembly
- Association
- Collaboration
- CommunicationPath
- Connector
- ControlFlow
- Delegate
- Dependency
- Deployment
- ERLink
- Generalization
- InformationFlow
- Instantiation
- InterruptFlow
- Manifest
- Nesting
- NoteLink
- ObjectFlow
- Package
- Realization
- Sequence
- StateFlow
- TemplateBinding
- UseCase
Associated table in .EAP file
Connector Attributes
Attribute |
Remarks |
See also |
Alias |
String Notes: Read/Write An optional alias for this connector. |
AssociationClass |
Element Notes: Read Only Returns the Association Class element if the connector has one; otherwise NULL/. |
Element Class |
ClientEnd |
ConnectorEnd Notes: Read Only A pointer to the ConnectorEnd object representing the source end of the relationship. |
ConnectorEnd Class |
ClientID |
Long Notes: Read/Write The ElementID of the element at the source end of this connector. |
Color |
Long Notes: Read/Write Sets the color of the connector. |
ConnectorGUID |
String Notes: Read Only A system generated, globally unique ID for the current connector. |
ConnectorID |
Long Notes: Read Only A system generated local identifier for the current connector. |
Constraints |
Collection Notes: Read Only A collection of constraint objects. |
Constraint Class Collection Class |
ConveyedItems |
Collection of type Element Notes: Read Only Returns a collection of elements that have been conveyed. To add another element to the conveyed Collection, use 'AddNew (ElementGUID,NULL)', where 'ElementGUID' is the GUID of the element to be added. |
Element Class Collection Class |
CustomProperties |
Collection Notes: Read Only Returns a collection of advanced properties associated with an element in the form of CustomProperty objects. |
Collection Class CustomProperties Collection |
DiagramID |
Long Notes: Read/Write The DiagramID of the connector. |
Direction |
String Notes: Read/Write The connector direction, which can be set to one of:
If the connector is non-navigable, set the 'sourceNavigability' and/or 'targetNavigability' attributes. |
Special Attributes |
EndPointX |
Long Notes: Read/Write The x-coordinate of the connector's end point. Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the top left of the screen. |
EndPointY |
Long Notes: Read/Write The y-coordinate of the connector's end point. Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the top left of the screen. |
EventFlags |
String Notes: Read/Write A structure to hold a variety of flags concerned with event signaling on messages. |
FQStereotype |
String Notes: Read Only The fully-qualified stereotype name in the format "Profile::Stereotype". One or more fully-qualified stereotype names can be assigned to StereotypeEx. |
ForeignKeyInformation |
String Notes: Read Only Returns the Foreign Key information. |
IsLeaf |
Boolean Notes: Read/Write A flag indicating that the connector is a leaf. |
IsRoot |
Boolean Notes: Read/Write A flag indicating that the connector is a root. |
IsSpec |
Boolean Notes: Read/Write A flag indicating that the connector is a specification. |
MessageArguments |
String Notes: Read Only The connector Message arguments. |
MetaType |
String Notes: Read Only The connector's domain-specific meta type, as defined by an applied stereotype from an MDG Technology. |
MiscData |
String Notes: Read Only This low-level property returns an array providing information about the contents of the PData x fields. These database fields are not documented and developers must gain understanding of these fields through their own endeavors to use this property. MiscData is zero based, therefore:
Name |
String Notes: Read/Write The connector name. |
Notes |
String Notes: Read/Write Descriptive notes about the connector. |
ObjectType |
ObjectType Notes: Read Only Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface. |
ObjectType |
Properties |
Properties Notes: Returns a list of specialized properties applicable to the connector that might not be available using the automation model. The properties are purposely undocumented because of their obscure nature and because they are subject to change as progressive enhancements are made to them. |
Properties Class |
ReturnValueAlias |
String Notes: Shows the 'Return Value Alias' field of the operation. |
RouteStyle |
Long Notes: Read/Write The route style. |
SequenceNo |
Long Notes: Read/Write The SequenceNo of the connector. |
StartPointX |
Long Notes: Read/Write The x-coordinate of the connector's start point. Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the top left of the screen. |
StartPointY |
Long Notes: Read/Write The y-coordinate of the connector's start point. Connector end points are specified in Cartesian coordinates with the origin to the top left of the screen. |
StateFlags |
String Notes: Read/Write A structure to hold a variety of flags concerned with State signaling on messages; the list is delimited by semi-colons. |
Stereotype |
String Notes: Read/Write Sets or gets the stereotype for this connector end. |
StereotypeEx |
String Notes: Read/Write All the applied stereotypes of the connector in a comma-separated list. Reading the value will provide the stereotype name only; assigning the value accepts either fully-qualified or simple names. |
StyleEx |
String Notes: Read/Write Advanced style settings; reserved for the use of Sparx Systems. |
Subtype |
String Notes: Read/Write A possible subtype to refine the meaning of the connector. |
SupplierEnd |
ConnectorEnd Notes: Read Only A pointer to the ConnectorEnd object representing the target end of the relationship. |
ConnectorEnd Class |
SupplierID |
Long Notes: Read/Write The ElementID of the element at the target end of this connector. |
TaggedValues |
Collection of type ConnectorTag Notes: Read Only The collection of ConnectorTag objects. |
Collection Class ConnectorTag Class |
TemplateBindings |
Collection of type TemplateBinding Notes: Read Only A collection of TemplateBinding objects. |
Collection Class TemplateBinding Class |
TransitionAction |
String Notes: Read/Write See the Transition topic for appropriate values. |
Transition |
TransitionEvent |
String Notes: Read/Write See the Transition topic for appropriate values. |
TransitionGuard |
String Notes: Read/Write See the Transition topic for appropriate values. |
Type |
String Notes: Read/Write The connector type; valid types are held in the t_connectortypes table in the .eap file. |
VirtualInheritance |
String Notes: Read/Write For Generalization, indicates if the inheritance is virtual. |
Width |
Long Notes: Read/Write Specifies the width of the connector. |
Connector Methods
Method |
Remarks |
See also |
GetLastError() |
String Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in relation to this object. |
IsConnectorValid() |
Boolean Notes: Queries Enterprise Architect's internal relationship validation schema on the current connector. If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information. |
Update() |
Boolean Notes: Updates the current ConnectorObject after modification or appending a new item. If False is returned, check the 'GetLastError()' function for more information. |