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Console Tab

The script console is a tab of the Scripting window; it is a command line interpreter through which you can quickly enable a script engine and enter commands to act on the script.

You type the commands in the field at the bottom of the tab; when you press the Enter key, the script console executes the commands and displays any output immediately.

You can input two types of command:

  • Console commands
  • Script commands



Specialize > Tools > Scripting > Console

Console Commands

Console commands are preceded by the ! character and instruct the console to perform an action.

The available console commands are provided here; to list these commands on the 'Console' tab itself, type ? in the console field (without the preceding ! character) and press the Enter key.

  • c(lear) - clears the console display
  • sa(ve) - saves the console display to a file
  • h(elp) - prints a list of commands, as for ?
  • VB - opens a VBScript console
  • JA - opens a JavaScript console
  • JS - opens a JScript console
  • st(op) - closes any script running console
  • i(nclude) name - executes the named script item; name is of the format GroupName.ScriptName (spaces are allowed in names)
  • ? - (without the !) lists commands
  • ?name - Outputs the value of a variable name (only if a script console is opened).

Script Commands

A script command is script code that depends on the script engine. Script commands can be executed only once a script console has been created.


These lines, entered into the console, create a VBScript console and then execute the script 'MyScript' in the user group 'MyGroup':


     >!i MyGroup.MyScript

These lines, entered into the console, create a JScript console and then create a variable called x with the value 1:


     >var x = 1

This image shows the result of entering this JScript example; remember that you can use ?<variable name> to get the current value of any item you have created during the console session.

The scripting console in Enterprise Architet

Console Tab Toolbar

The 'Console' tab has two operations available through the toolbar:

  • Open Console (Run script.) - click on the down-arrow and select to open a VBScript console, JScript console or JavaScript console
  • Stop Script (Stop script icon) - click to stop an executing script and close the current console


  • This facility is available in the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions
  • You can save the output of the console to an external .txt file; right-click on the console window, select the 'Save As' option, browse for an appropriate file location and specify the file name