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The enum values defined here are used exclusively for the 'Lay Out a Diagram' method. You use these values to define the layout options as provided by the 'Layout > Tools > Diagram Layout ' ribbon option.
Enum Values
Value |
Meaning |
lsCrossReduceAggressive |
Perform aggressive Cross-reduction in the layout process (time consuming). |
lsCycleRemoveDFS |
Use the Depth First Cycle Removal algorithm. |
lsCycleRemoveGreedy |
Use the Greedy Cycle Removal algorithm. |
lsDiagramDefault |
Use existing layout options specified for this diagram. |
lsInitializeDFSIn |
Initialize the layout using the Depth First Search Inward algorithm. |
lsInitializeNaive |
Initialize the layout using the Naïve Initialize Indices algorithm. |
lsInitializeDFSOut |
Initialize the layout using the Depth First Search Outward algorithm. |
lsLayeringLongestPathSink |
Layer the diagram using the Longest Path Sink algorithm. |
lsLayeringLongestPathSource |
Layer the diagram using the Longest Path Source algorithm. |
lsLayeringOptimalLinkLength |
Layer the diagram using the Optimal Link Length algorithm. |
lsLayoutDirectionDown |
Direct connectors to point down. |
lsLayoutDirectionLeft |
Direct connectors to point left. |
lsLayoutDirectionRight |
Direct connectors to point right. |
lsLayoutDirectionUp |
Direct connectors to point up. |
lsProgramDefault |
Use factory default layout options as specified by Enterprise Architect. |