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EASL Properties
This topic lists the EASL properties for each of the EASL objects, as retrieved by the EASL_GET code generation macro.
Property Name |
Description |
Behavior |
The Action's associated behavior (Call Behavior Action or Call Operation Action). |
Body |
The Action's body. |
Context |
The Action's context. |
Guard |
The Action's guard. |
IsFinal |
A check on whether the action is a final Action. |
IsGuarded |
A check on whether the action is a guarded Action. |
IsInitial |
A check on whether the action is an initial Action. |
Kind |
The Action's kind. |
Next |
The Action's next action. |
Node |
The Action's associated node in the graph. |
Property Name |
Description |
Parameter |
The ID of the Argument's associated parameter. |
Value |
The default value of the argument. |
Property Name |
Description |
InitialAction |
The Behavior's initial action. |
isReadOnly |
The isReadOnly of the Behavior. |
isSingleExecution |
The isSingleExecution of the Behavior. |
Kind |
The kind of Behavior. |
ReturnType |
The return type of the Behavior. |
Specification |
The specification of the Behavior. |
Property Name |
Description |
Operation |
The operation of the CallEvent. |
Property Name |
Description |
ChangeExpression |
The change expression of the ChangeEvent. |
Property Name |
Description |
HasBehaviors |
A check on whether the Classifier has behavioral models (Activity and Interaction). |
Language |
The Classifier's language. |
StateMachine |
The StateMachine of the Classifier. |
Property Name |
Description |
Expression |
The Condition's expression. |
Lower |
The Condition's lower value. |
Upper |
The Condition's upper value. |
Property Name |
Description |
GetTaggedValue |
The Property's Tagged Value. |
IsStereotypeApplied |
A check on whether a particular stereotype is applied to the Property. |
Notes |
Notes on the Property. |
UMLType |
The UML type of the Property. |
Visibility |
The visibility of the Property. |
Property Name |
Description |
From |
The ID of the node from which the Edge arises. |
To |
The ID of the node at which the Edge is targeted. |
Property Name |
Description |
EventKind |
The event kind of the Event Object. |
Property Name |
Description |
Classifier |
The classifier of the Instance. |
Value |
The value of the Instance. |
Property Name |
Description |
Direction |
The direction of the Parameter. |
Type |
The type of the Parameter. |
Value |
The value of the parameter. |
Property Name |
Description |
FQName |
The FQ name of the Primitive. |
ID |
The ID of the Primitive. |
Name |
The name of the Primitive. |
ObjectType |
The object type of the Primitive. |
Parent |
The IDParent of the Primitive. |
Property Name |
Description |
BoundSize |
The bound size of the PropertyObject (if it is a collection). |
ClassifierStereoType |
The stereotype of the PropertyObject's classifier. |
IsAsynchProp |
A check on whether the PropertyObject is an asynchronous property. |
IsCollection |
A check on whether the PropertyObject is a collection. |
IsOrdered |
A check on whether the PropertyObject is ordered (if it is a collection). |
IsTimedProp |
A check on whether the PropertyObject is a timed property. |
Kind |
The PropertyObject's kind. |
LowerValue |
The PropertyObject's lower value (if it is a collection). |
Type |
The PropertyObject's type. |
UpperValue |
The PropertyObject's upper value (if it is a collection). |
Value |
The PropertyObject's value. |
Property Name |
Description |
Signal |
The signal of the SignalEvent. |
Property Name |
Description |
HasSubMachine |
A check on whether the State is a Submachine state. |
IsFinalState |
A check on whether the State is a final state. |
SubMachine |
Get the ID of the Submachine contained by the State (if applicable). |
Property Name |
Description |
HasSubMachineState |
A check on whether the StateMachine has a Submachine state. |
InitialState |
The StateMachine's initial state. |
SubMachineState |
The StateMachine's Submachine State. |
Property Name |
Description |
When |
The 'when' property of the TimeEvent. |
Property Name |
Description |
HasEffect |
A check on whether the transition has a valid effect. |
IsDerived |
A check on whether the transition is a derived transition. |
IsTranscend |
A check on whether the transition transcends from one StateMachine (Submachine State) to another. |
IsTriggered |
A check on whether the transition is triggered. |
Source |
The Transition's source. |
Target |
The Transition's target. |
Property Name |
Description |
AsynchDestinationState |
The asynchronous destination state of the Trigger (if it is an asynchronous trigger). |
DependentProperty |
The ID of the property associated with the Trigger. |
Event |
The Trigger's event. |
Name |
The Trigger's name. |
Type |
The Trigger's type. |
Property Name |
Description |
IsHistory |
A check on whether the vertex is a history state. |
IsPseudoState |
A check on whether the vertex is a pseudo state. |
PseudoStateKind |
The Vertex's pseudo-state kind. |