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Create MOF Diagrams

You can model the structure or abstract syntax of a language or of data using a Meta Object Facility (MOF) diagram. This is a Class diagram that is contained in a Package to which you assign a «metamodel» stereotype.

Create an MOF diagram



See also


Create or select the appropriate root Model Package and View for the MOF Package.

Model Wizard Views


Create a Package to contain your MOF elements.

As part of this process, create a child Class diagram for this Package.

Add a Package


In the Project Browser, double-click on the Package name to display the 'Properties' dialog.

Properties Dialog


In the 'Stereotype' field type the value 'metamodel'.

Click on the OK button.

General Settings


Open the child Class diagram and begin to construct your model.

In the Diagram Toolbox you can use either the:

  • Class pages (click on Search to display the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog and specify 'UML Class') or the
  • Metamodel pages (specify 'UML Metamodel in the 'Find Toolbox Item' dialog)

A MOF diagram typically contains Class, Enumeration and Primitive elements (the Primitive elements from the Class Toolbox pages), and Generalization, Association, Compose and Aggregate relationships.

Class Toolbox Metamodel Toolbox

Example MOF diagram

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