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The Features Window

The Features window is a versatile and seamless tool for creating and editing the features of the selected element. The window has a number of tabs that help you to view, create, delete and manage:

  • Attributes
  • Operations and, for State elements, operation behaviors
  • Reception elements
  • On a State element, Internal Triggers
  • For a Database Table element, Columns and Constraints
  • Structural elements, such as the Parts and Properties added to elements
  • Edge-mounted elements (Interaction Points) such as ActionPins and Ports that form the primary interaction points of complex, composite elements
  • Entry Points and Exit Points (Connection Points) on a State element

The Features window can be used in combination with the Properties Window and Notes window to define some or all of the properties of a feature and, depending on the parent element type, a range of other windows such as the Element Browser, Responsibilities window and Tagged Values window. All these windows automatically refresh to show the information for the object you have just clicked on, and you can flow between them without opening and closing them. You can very quickly define a range of properties, features and characteristics for an element, and equally quickly work through a number of elements to define a structure in the model.

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