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Create Maintenance Item From Test

If an element fails a test, one likely consequence is that a Defect (Issue) item has to be raised in model maintenance to correct the problem. You can generate this Defect item directly from the test that failed.


  • Select the element containing the failed test, then use one of the methods outlined here to display the Testing window or Element Browser


Construct > Testing > Tests > <test class> > Right-click on test > Create a Maintenance Defect from this test

Start > Explore > Browse > Element Browser > Testing > <test class> > Right-click on test > Create a Maintenance Defect from this test

Design > Element > Properties > Element Browser > Testing > <test class> > Right-click on test > Create a Maintenance Defect from this test

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+3 : <test class> | Right-click on test | Create a Maintenance Defect from this test

Alt+9 : Testing > <test class> > Right-click on test > Create a Maintenance Defect from this test

Create a Maintenance item from a test



See also


The system immediately creates the Defect item and displays a confirmation message box.

Click on the OK button to clear the message.


Open the Defects window (the 'Construct > Change Management > Defects > Show Defects Window' ribbon option).

The window shows a Defect item having the same name as the test.


Double-click on the Defect item to open it in the Construct window, and edit the item as necessary - you might provide values for the 'Reported By', 'Status' and 'Priority' fields.

Create Maintenance Items


  • You can create Maintenance Defect items from several Test items at once; press and hold Shift as you select the Test items, and then right-click and proceed as before - each selected Test item then generates a Defect item