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Element Toolbar

The Element toolbar provides a number of options for performing common operations on a selected element, such as viewing the element's properties, operations or attributes. You can also use it to specify the visibility of the element's features and compartments, and to lock that element.

Current Element toolbar in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.



Show > Portals > Show Toolbar > Element

Element Toolbar Options



See also

Edit Properties

Click on this option to display the element 'Properties' dialog, through which you can view and edit the properties of the selected element.

Shortcut: Alt+Enter

Properties Dialog

Set Parent

Click on this option to display the 'Set Parents and Interfaces' dialog, through which you can set the parent or implement interfaces for the selected element.

Shortcut: Ctrl+I

Set Element Parent


Click on this option to display the 'Operations' page of the Features window, through which you can create and edit operations for the selected element.

Shortcut: F10

Define Properties of Operations


Click on this option to display the 'Attributes' tab of the Features window, through which you can create and edit attributes for the selected element.

Shortcut: F9

Create and Manage Attributes

Show Features

Click on this option to display the 'Compartment Visibility' dialog, through which you can specify which compartments and information to display for the selected element.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Y

Feature Visibility

Set Runstate/Initialization

Click on this option to display the 'Override Attribute Initializers' dialog, through which you can set the element run state, attribute initializers or - for Parts - property value.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R

Run-time State Add Property Value

Find Element Usage

Click on this option to find all other diagrams in which the selected element is used:

  • If the element is not used in any other diagram, there is no further action
  • If the element is included in other diagrams, the 'Element Usage' dialog displays, listing those diagrams, and you can choose which diagram to explore

Shortcut: Ctrl+U

Show Element Use

Find in Project Browser

Click on this option to highlight the selected element in the Project Browser.

Shortcut: Alt+G

Configure References

Click on this option to display the 'Custom References' dialog, on which you can view the properties of other elements and diagrams in the model to which the selected element has custom cross-references.

Shortcut: Ctrl+J

Set Up Cross References

Lock Element

Click on this option to apply or release a lock on the selected element. The element is then blocked against or made available for editing, respectively, depending on which locking policy your system is operating under.

Lock Model Elements

Add Tagged Value

Click on this option to display the 'Tagged Value' dialog, through which you can add a Tagged Value to the selected element(s).

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+T

Assign a Tagged value to an Item


  • You can move this toolbar to any dockable position and it retains that position in subsequent sessions
  • You can hide or show the toolbar by selecting the 'Show > Portals > Show Toolbar > Element' ribbon option