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Customize Commands

The Enterprise Architect toolbars provide a wide range of functions, some of which are useful in several different contexts. You might find it more convenient to have a function command available either from a different toolbar to the one it is currently set in, or from more than one toolbar. You can customize which toolbar a command is available from by generating a button or icon for the command on either another existing toolbar or a new toolbar that you create for this purpose. Conversely, you might remove a command from its current toolbar, to simplify the selection of tools from that toolbar.



Start > View > Visual Style > Customize > Commands

Manage Toolbar Commands



See also

Add Command To Toolbar

Also display the appropriate toolbar, using:

  • 'Show  > Portals > Show Toolbar > <toolbar name>

The toolbar icons are then highlighted with a dark border as you select them.

On the 'Commands' tab:

  1. Click on the appropriate command category in the 'Categories:' panel.
  2. Click on the command you need from the list in the 'Commands:' panel.
  3. Drag the command onto the toolbar; it is immediately placed in the toolbar at the cursor position.
  4. Add any further commands you want.
  5. Put the icons in the order you prefer, by dragging each icon into position.
  6. Click on the Close button to close the 'Customize' dialog.
  7. If necessary, resize the toolbar or drag it back into the top of the screen.

If the command has an associated icon, the icon displays in the toolbar; otherwise, the command name displays.

Standard Toolbars Customize Toolbars

Delete Command from Toolbar

While the 'Customize' dialog is displayed, right-click on the command icon or text in the toolbar, and select the 'Delete' option. The command icon is immediately removed from the toolbar.

The context menu does not display if the 'Customize' dialog is closed.

Change or assign icon for command

All commands listed in the 'Customize' dialog have a text label, and many have associated icons, either system-defined (default) or user-defined. If the command has an icon, you can select to represent the command in the toolbar by:

  • The icon
  • The text
  • Both together

You have a range of other options for changing how the command is represented in the toolbar, such as:

  • If the command does not have an associated icon, assign one from an image library
  • Change the icon currently assigned to the command to a different icon
  • If the command has a system default icon and you have changed it, restore that default icon to the command
  • Edit the icons in the library, and create new ones; you can also copy an existing icon and edit the copy

These options are available through a context menu that you display by right-clicking on the icon in the toolbar while the 'Customize' dialog is displayed. The context menu does not display if the 'Customize' dialog is closed.

The changes apply only to the selected toolbar. Any instances of the command in other toolbars or menus are not affected.

Toggle command button between icon, text and both

  1. Right-click on the command icon or text in the toolbar.
  2. Select the context menu option you need - 'Image', 'Text' or 'Image and Text'.

If the option has an icon, the selected change is made. If the command has no icon, the 'Button Appearance' dialog displays. You can also toggle between the image/text options on this dialog.

Assign icon to command

  1. Right-click on the command icon or text in the toolbar.
  2. Select the 'Button Appearance' option; the 'Button Appearance' dialog displays.
  3. Select either the 'Image only' radio button or the 'Image and text' radio button.
  4. For a command with a default icon, the 'Use Default Image' radio button is followed by the default icon; if you have assigned a different image, you can restore the default by selecting this radio button.
    Otherwise, select the 'Select User-defined Image' radio button, and click on an appropriate image from the selection provided. You can add or edit images in this selection.
  5. Click on the OK button to apply the changes to the toolbar.

(You can also restore the default icon by right-clicking on the current icon in the toolbar and selecting the 'Reset to default' option.)

Copy a toolbar icon

  1. Right-click on the icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select the 'Copy Button Image' option; the image is copied to the clipboard.

Create and edit icons

  1. Right-click on the command graphic or text in the toolbar.
  2. Select the 'Button Appearance' option; the 'Button Appearance' dialog displays.
  3. Select either the 'Image only' radio button or the 'Image and text' radio button.
  4. Select the 'Select User-defined Image' radio button.
  5. To create a new image, click on the New button; to edit an existing user-defined image, click on the image and then on the Edit button.
    The 'Edit Button Image' dialog displays.
  6. If you have copied another icon to edit as a new icon, click on the Paste button in the 'Tools' block.
  7. Select a color and the appropriate painting tool - the 'pencil' fills individual squares, the 'filler' fills the whole 'Picture' block, and the 'line' creates lines of two or more squares thick.
  8. Create or edit the icon, working right up to the border of the 'Picture' block if necessary.
  9. Click on the OK button to apply the changes to the toolbar.

Change icon text label

  1. Right-click on the command graphic or text in the toolbar.
  2. Select the 'Button Appearance' option; the 'Button Appearance' dialog displays.
  3. Select either the 'Text only' radio button or the 'Image and text' radio button.
  4. In the 'Button text' field, highlight and delete the existing text and type in the new text.
  5. Click on the OK button to apply the changes to the toolbar.

Group Icons

If necessary, you can indicate that the command icons are arranged in groups. To do this:

  1. While the 'Customize' dialog is displayed, right-click on the first command icon or text in the group in the toolbar, and select the 'Start Group' option.

A vertical line displays to the left of the icon. All icons to the right of the line form a group, up to any subsequent line.

To remove the line and cancel the grouping, repeat the step.