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Sequence Diagram Options
When you are modeling using Sequence diagrams, there are a number of rendering features that are specific to that diagram type, such as the focus of the control indicator. You can define default settings for these features, in addition to the more-general diagram settings that you define on the other diagram pages of the 'Preferences' dialog.
Ribbon |
Start > View > Preferences > Diagram > Sequence |
Keyboard Shortcuts |
| Diagram | Sequence |
Control Sequence diagram behavior
Field/Button |
Action |
See also |
Default page layout is Landscape |
Select the checkbox to set the default orientation of your Sequence diagrams to landscape. |
Show Sequence Numbering |
Select the checkbox to display sequence numbers against the Sequence Messages on the diagrams. (This option has immediate effect.) |
Assume right to left messages are Return |
Select the checkbox to automatically render new Messages passing from right to left as Return Messages. |
Default concurrency is Asynchronous |
Select the checkbox to set the default concurrency for Sequence Messages to Asynchronous. Deselect the checkbox to set the default concurrency to Synchronous. |
Message (Sequence Diagram) |
Enable tooltips when re-ordering messages |
Select the checkbox to display a tool-tip when you attempt to move one Message above or below another. The tool-tip is to remind you that to swap the Message positions, and thus re-order the Messages, you must hold down the . If you do not hold down the Alt key the selected Message will move close to the next Message but will not go past it. To avoid displaying the tool-tip, deselect the checkbox. This is only advisable if you are familiar with the requirement to use the Alt key. |
Layout of Sequence Diagrams |
Width |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the line width (in points, between 0 and 20) of the 'focus of control' rectangle (the body at the start and end of a Message, on the Lifeline). (This option takes effect when a new element is added, an existing element is repositioned, or the diagram is closed and re-opened) |
Assume message returns |
Select the checkbox to set implicit Return Messages when none are explicitly drawn (recommended). Deselect the checkbox to use Return Messages only when they are explicitly created. |
GarbageCollect |
Select the checkbox to automatically truncate the Lifelines for elements that have a defined lifecycle, by drawing an X after the last Message (that is, assume garbage collect rather than explicit delete). |
Denote Lifecycle of an Element |
Name |
Click on the This feature is particularly useful for non-English character sets. Changes take effect immediately after the 'Preferences' dialog is closed. |
Size |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the font size of the caption bar text. This overrides the font size set in the MS Windows 'Font' dialog. |
Use System |
Select this checkbox to override (but not overwrite) the 'Name' and 'Size' settings with the system default heading font definition. |
Close |
Click on this button to save the changes you have made, and to close the 'Preferences' dialog. |