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Model Exchange Panel

The 'Model Exchange' Panel contains tools for controlling Packages and for importing and exporting parts of the model both in the XML based model exchange format XMI, and in other formats that can be opened in a spreadsheet. The Reusable Asset Server (RAS) is a valuable resource for either sourcing existing model fragments or saving parts of the current model for reuse on future initiatives.

Part of the Publish ribbon in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Available Facilities



See also

Reusable Assets

Click on this icon to open the Reusable Asset Service (RSA) view in the central work area. The RSA provides a simple and convenient mechanism for modelers to distribute or download reusable model structures, information, corporate directives and standards. The shared repository is accessible via a Cloud Service connection, making it accessible for distributed teams.

Reuseable Asset Service (RAS)

Publish As...

Click on this icon to publish a Package at any level in the model as an external file in one of several XML formats, including XMI 1.1, XMI 2.1, ArcGIS and BPMN 2.0 XML. The 'Publish Model Package' dialog displays.

Publish Model Package


Click on this icon to access the CSV Import and Export facilities, and to create and maintain the CSV specifications that define how the imports and exports proceed. You can also display the summary Help topic for CSV transfers.

CSV Import and Export

Package Control

Click on this icon to display a menu of options for storing and managing Packages by creating XMI files from them (Package Control), supporting lightweight version management and model exchange.

  • Configure - set up Package Control using the 'Package Control Options' dialog
  • Save to File - save the Package to its configured XML file (from the Package Control option), using the 'Export Package to XML' dialog
  • Load from File - replace the Package from its saved XMI file, using the 'Import Package from XML' dialog
  • View XMI File for Controlled Package - review the content of the (exported) XMI file for the Package, in the Code Editor
  • Compare Package to XMI - compare the current version of the Package with the exported XMI file for the Package (the 'Compare Model to File' option in Managing Baselines)
Configure Packages Export to XMI Import from XMI Editing Source Code The Compare Utility (Diff)

Export XMI

Click on this icon to display options for exporting the current Package to an XMI file for use in other models and/or different modeling tools.

  • Export XMI for Current Package - export the Package to a file in one of several XMI formats, using the 'Export Package to XMI' dialog
  • Batch Export Controlled Packages - export a number of controlled Packages to XMI in a batch process, using the 'Batch XMI Export' dialog
Batch XMI Export Export to XMI

Import XMI

Click on this icon to display options for importing an XMI file to update one or more Packages in the model.

  • Import Model XMI - import a Package from an XMI file in one of several XMI formats, using the 'Import Package from XMI' dialog
  • Merge Model XMI into Current Package - import an XMI file for the Package and merge the content of the file with the Package; you might do this with a sequence of XMI files for the Package, such as when a number of people are working on the same Package offline and storing their work in separate XMI files
  • Batch Import Controlled Packages - import model Packages from an import set for controlled Packages, using the 'Batch XMI Import' dialog
Batch XMI Import Merge Package with XMI Using Merge File Import from XMI

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