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Security Panel

When Security is enabled on a project, users are required to provide a User ID and password to login to that project. Project Security helps teams to collaborate by allowing individuals or groups to intentionally signal that they are working on specific parts of the model.

Part of the Configure ribbon in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Available Facilities

The 'Security' panel collects together a set of facilities for managing security in the model, such as enabling Project Security, specifying which security mode to use, defining the lists of authorized users and user groups, and assigning permissions to users and groups to grant access to various aspects of Enterprise Architect's functionality.



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a selection of commands for configuring security in the model.

  • Require User Lock to Edit - enable pessimistic locking on the current project; in this mode, users must apply a personal lock to model elements and diagrams before any modifications can be made
  • Apply Locks to Connectors - set a global lock on all connectors with a locked source element, so that those connectors cannot be deleted and their properties cannot be edited
  • Manage My Locks - display a dialog that lists all locks applied by the current user; locks can be reviewed and also released using this dialog
  • Login as Another User - log in to the Enterprise Architect project as another user
  • User Settings - display a short menu of options to:
         -  Change Password - display the 'Change Password' dialog for your
            own, currently logged in, user ID
         -  Set Avatar - assign an avatar image (in an Image Asset Artifact) to
             your user ID
         -  Show user avatars - display (or, if unselected, hide) all user avatars
             in Chat and Discussion entries, in your work sessions
         - Set User Default Diagram - set the currently open, in-focus diagram
            as your default user diagram
         -  Set User Default Kanban  - set the currently open, in-focus Kanban
            diagram as your default user Kanban diagram
  • Encrypt Password - provides legacy support for older models hosted on Oracle and SQL Server database systems; administrators can create an encrypted password that is distributed to modelers, thus avoiding the need to distribute the DB connection password
  • Enable Security - toggle (either enable or disable) the state of Project Security for the current project; you are prompted to supply an Authorization Key before the security state is changed
Password Encryption Manage Your Own Locks Change Password Set Security Policy Set User Avatar Default Kanban Diagrams User Security


This command displays the 'Security Users' dialog, where new users can be defined and permissions can be granted to those users. Users can be added to existing User Groups. The dialog also provides for import of user definitions from Windows Active Directory lists.

Maintain Users


This command displays the 'Security Groups' dialog, where new User Groups can be created and users can be added to those groups. Permissions can be granted to User Groups using this dialog.

Maintain Groups


This command displays the 'Manage Locks' dialog. The dialog shows a list of all elements and diagrams within the model that have active locks. You can also filter to show only items with User Locks or Group Locks. The list of items can be sorted by lock type, item name, locking user, locking group, or the time of lock application. The dialog can be used to select some or all of the locked items, and then to unlock the selected items.

Manage Your Own Locks

Learn more