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Generate Model Exchange File

After you have created an ArchiMate® 2 or ArchiMate® 3 model using the built-in MDG Technology for ArchiMate 2 or ArchiMate 3 respectively, you can generate a Model Exchange File from the model Package.



Specialize > Technologies > ArchiMate > Generate Model Exchange File

Context Menu

Right-click on Package | Specialize | ArchiMate | Generate Model Exchange File

Generate Model Exchange File



See also


Displays the name of the currently-selected Package. If this is not the required Package, click on the Browse package button and select the correct Package.


Type in the file path and name of the file to be generated, or click on the Browse. button and browse for the location.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the version of the Model Exchange File.


(Optional) Select the language identifier for the content of the elements in the generated file.


Select the appropriate checkboxes:

  • 'Element Relationships' - to include connectors between the elements being generated
  • 'Tagged Values' - to include the Tagged Values for each element and relationship being generated
  • 'Element Organization' - to include the structural organization of the elements inside the selected Package
  • 'Diagrams' - include the ArchiMate diagrams inside the selected Package


Click on this button to generate the Model Exchange File.

The progress of the file generation is reported in the 'ArchiMate' tab of the System Output window. A message box also displays to indicate when the generation is complete; click on the OK button to clear the message.

View File

Click on this button to display the contents of the generated file.


Click on this button to close this 'Generate Model Exchange File Format' dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


  • This facility is available in the Professional, Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect
  • The 'Language' field displays the 2-letter codes from the Language Subtag Registry:
  • The Model Exchange File generated by Enterprise Architect adheres to The Open Group Specified Schema
  • Generated elements and diagrams will be displayed in the System Output window – double-click on an item in the System Output window to highlight it in the Browser window
  • Elements, connectors and diagrams that are not from the built-in MDG Technology for ArchiMate 2 or ArchiMate 3 will be ignored during generation
  • The Network and Communication Path connectors from the 'ArchiMate 2 Technology' toolbox in Enterprise Architect will not currently be generated as they do not have any mapping in The Open Group Specified Schema
  • The Technology Object element, Path connector, Communication Network connector and Distribution Network connector from the 'ArchiMate 3 Technology' toolbox in Enterprise Architect will not currently be generated as they do not have any mapping in The Open Group Specified Schema

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