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NIEM Schema Guide

Generation of schema for NIEM is accomplished on either an instance of a ModelPackageDescription Class (NIEM 3.0 and above) or a «ModelPackageDescription» stereotyped component (NIEM 2.1). In either case a dialog is presented that allows you to configure the schema produced.

NIEM Schema configuration in Enterprise Architect

Generate NIEM Schemas (NIEM 2.1)

Click on a component with a «ModelPackageDescription» stereotype and select one of these options:


Specialize > Technologies > NIEM 2.1 > Generate NIEM 2.1 Schema  or

Context Menu

Right-click on the element | Specialize | NIEM 2.1 | Generate NIEM 2.1 Schema

Generate NIEM Schemas (NIEM 3.0 and above)

Click on any object instance of a ModelPackageDescription Class and select one of these options:


Specialize > Technologies > NIEM > Generate NIEM Schema

Context Menu

Right-click on the element | Specialize | NIEM | Generate NIEM Schema

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