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Bind Parameters of a ConstraintProperty
When you create a Constraint Property, you define an equation or expression as the constraint. You can then bind the parameters of the constraint to properties to identify what the parameter is and where its values come from.
Context menu |
In a diagram, click on an existing Constraint Property | Edit Constraint Property... |
Other |
In Browser window | Drag a Constraint Block and drop it on a Parametric diagram A Constraint Property with all the parameters will be created |
Bind parameter to properties in context
In this example, we create the Constraint Block 'FMA' and use it as a Constraint Property 'fma' in the context of a Block 'FMA_Test', which contains three properties: 'Property1', 'Property2' and 'Property3'.
Right-click on Constraint Property 'fma' and select the 'Edit Constraint Property...' context menu option to open the 'SysML ConstraintProperty Parameter Binding' dialog.
Click on the button in the same row as a parameter to open the 'Hierarchy Properties Picker' dialog; choose a property to bind to the parameter.
After binding, the property will be shown on the diagram and a connector will connect it to the parameter of the constraint property. The equation 'F =M*A' becomes 'Property2 = Property3 * Property1' after binding.
Hierarchy Element Binding
In this example, Block BaseController has a Constraint Property e6 with parameters a, b and c. Now we want to bind the parameters to the Block's properties. Specifically, we want to bind parameter e6.c to cIn.val, which is a Flow Property defined in Block ReadSignal; cIn is the Port defined on BaseController.
This figure shows the hierarchy of properties defined in BaseController. The properties with matching type to the binding parameter will be shown with a check box for selection.
We select property val under cIn and click on the
. The property val will be created on the diagram inside the Port cIn, and a Binding connector between cIn.val and e6.c will be created. After binding parameter e6.a to property error, and e6.b to property ref, the diagram will resemble this:
Navigate to ConstraintBlock
Select the cell of the Constraint Property.
Click on the button on the right to edit the typing Constraint Block. The 'Edit Constraint Block' dialog displays.