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Navigate: Exploring Your Model

UML Patterns

Navigating is the ability to explore the hierarchical content of a repository, using the tree view windows such as the Browser window and the Package, Resources and element browsers, the Traceability window, and the list view windows such as the Package and diagram lists. There is a wide range of other views that help you to navigate through content stored in a repository, such as the Gantt Chart for exploring how elements are affected over time, and the Resources Browser that stores assets such as templates, patterns and matrices. The Navigator toolbar also shows a bread crumb view of the Package hierarchy. These features are particularly useful when you have some familiarity with the structure of a repository, but you can always use the powerful search features to find random content.



See also

The Browser window, the main interface element for exploring and navigating your model

The Browser Window Browser Window Context Menus Browser Header Bar

The Package Browser - a tabular, editable view of elements in a selected Package, which can be displayed in the main workspace.

Package Browser

The Diagram List - a tabular, editable view of elements in a selected diagram, which can be displayed in the main workspace

Diagram List

Model Views provide different perspectives and 'entry points' into your model

Model Views Portal

A Diagram Slide Show displays a number of related diagrams in a presentation, for illustration and comparison of features of your model.

Diagram Slide Show

The Pan and Zoom window helps you to navigate around very large diagrams.

The Pan & Zoom Window

The Summary View window shows a brief, read-only summary of the general properties of the currently selected:

  • Element (including Packages)
  • Attribute
  • Operation
  • Test
  • Maintenance item
  • Resource

The Summary View immediately displays general information on the item in context, so you can quickly scan a number of items to locate and check those of interest to you.

You can highlight a section of text or the complete content, and copy it to be pasted into an external document.

The Summary View does not display details for Views, Model Packages, diagrams, instances or connectors.

Select the 'Start > Desktop > Design > Summary' ribbon option, or press Ctrl+6.