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Create Baselines

This topic details the basics of creating new Baselines of Model Packages.


Select a Package in the Browser window, then open the 'Baselines' dialog using one of the methods outlined here.

In the 'Baselines' dialog, click on the New Baseline button.


Design > Model > Manage > Manage Baselines : New Baseline

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+Alt+B : New Baseline

Create a new baseline



See also


Display the Package name of the currently selected model branch.

Manage Baselines


Type a unique version reference for this Baseline, which can consist of any alphanumeric characters.

The 'Package Baselines' dialog sorts the Baselines according to the value of this field.

Include Sub-packages

Include the entire sub-Package hierarchy of this branch in the Baseline; this option defaults to selected.

If you deselect the checkbox, only the immediate contents (XMI stubs) of the Package are included in the Baseline.


Edit the default current time and date to any other value.

The field is a single-line entry, for display on the 'Package Baselines' dialog (a one-line-per-entry list).


Click to create a new Baseline and return to the 'Package Baselines' dialog.


  • Package Baseline facilities are available in the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect